mod post: Feedback guide

Mar 11, 2013 17:13

Hey everyone,

We’re very happy to notice that rocksalt_recs generates some feedback activity! This is fantastic! We’d like to encourage you all, though, to leave your feedback where the creators can see it, that is directly under the work instead of under the rec. (That is not to say that you can’t second a rec because of shared taste. This is obviously great ( Read more... )

!mod post, !faq

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Comments 12

tebtosca March 11 2013, 16:17:11 UTC
This is a good post and you should feel good


amberdreams March 11 2013, 16:20:32 UTC
Bwhahah your icon!


tebtosca March 11 2013, 16:50:25 UTC
Baby makes 3! :P


salty_catfish March 11 2013, 16:49:36 UTC
omg these pics are like the gift that keeps on giving.


amberdreams March 11 2013, 16:21:11 UTC
Good point but I frigging hate tumblr because it makes commenting so bloody convoluted.


salty_catfish March 11 2013, 16:48:42 UTC
Yeah, when you don't use tumblr and reblog, effort-wise it's a bit like sending e-mail feedback for fic found on a someone's site or directly PMing, it's more something you do when you really like something and have this very urgent need to let the creator know. It's just really a different culture. And of course we're not asking you to leave feedback, it's just nevigation pointers :)


amberdreams March 11 2013, 17:15:50 UTC
No that's right, I like leaving feedback which is why I dislike tumblr so much! Still, these are all useful tips for when and if I ever have to go on there and do more than look at the pretty photos. So thanks!


de_nugis March 11 2013, 16:23:56 UTC
Thank you! That's really helpful; I was just thinking of reccing something from Tumblr and didn't even know how to let them know I'd recced it.


salty_catfish March 11 2013, 16:38:47 UTC
We're glad it's helpful! :D when it comes to letting tumblr users know they were recced we feel like the etiquette demands to notify are somewhat lowered because the feedback culture there is so different compared to the journaling platforms (you don't really expect traditional comments when you post there). If something is very popular, even reblogs are likely to get lost when a work has 1000+ notes and every reblog is already like a mini-rec which places less importance on the whole concept of reccing, if that makes sense. So basically we're okay with leaving the If and How of notification to our reccers' judgement.


quickreaver March 11 2013, 17:08:02 UTC
Excellent post with great advice! I really like that rocksalt_recs encourages recs from other platforms. Kinda brings the fans to each other.


salty_catfish March 11 2013, 17:28:07 UTC
That's great! :D Yeah, and SPN is just such a large and sprawling fandom, there are still niches left we don't reach here (like all the russian messageboards or pixiv).


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