[Fic] rivkat: Rock of Ages

May 15, 2014 15:28

[ Theme: Ethnicity/Race Bending ]

Title: Rock of Ages
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester
Rating: Gen. PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read] N/A
Length: 1,180
Summary: What if Sam and Dean were Jewish?

Reccer's notes:
This little gem gives us utterly believable Jewish Winchesters: John hates God because he took Mary and he refuses to keep the Sabbath because the monsters don’t; Dean makes sure they light the candles each evening and organizes for Sam to do his bar mitzvah, despite the fact that he himself eats bacon and doesn’t really believe. Sam, of course, rebels by learning fluent Hebrew and defiantly wearing his kippah at all times.
This is a beautifully written story that gives us the pre and early seasons tale we know so well, and the characters we all know and love, but with a Jewish twist. Jewish Dean is delightfully pragmatic, and young Sam embracing his religion with deep devotion is utterly credible.
[Short excerpt]Sam didn’t like to use holy water. Dean was a pragmatist. If you found a religion with lots of effective paraphernalia, you used the paraphernalia, regardless of the theology… He put on the tefillin when Sam said to, though. As stupid as they made him feel, if Rambam suggested that they’d prevent possession then he wasn’t going to ignore a potential protection like that… but two hot guys wearing black leather boxes on their foreheads and arms tended to attract a lot more attention than two hot guys on their own. Sam refused to get a protective tattoo instead, even after that bitch Meg took him over, but Dean figured that out: he knocked Sam out with a mickey in his beer and did the work himself, then propped Sam up in the bed, with a printout from the relevant portion of the Shulchan Arukh holding the involuntary tattooee blameless on the unmarked side of his chest for when he woke up.

c: sam winchester, t: racebending, c: john winchester, fic: 1-5k, c: dean winchester, ^fic

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