[art] joaellaine: Blaze of Glory

Apr 30, 2014 11:43

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Title: Blaze of Glory
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Rating: sfw
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]none
Medium: digital
Short description: "Blaze of Glory by Jon Bon Jovi - my absolute dream song for the series finale."

Reccer's notes: This one isn't a narrative take on what could happen at the end of the series -- in fact, the portraits are distinctly s9 Sam and Dean -- but it sets a mood and illustrates the spirit of its chosen theme song. While this Dean is in a place of darkness, and this Sam in a place of hope, they are visually united in a way that suggests that the ending may be bloody but may not ultimately be sad.

c: sam winchester, ^art, t: s9, visual rating: sfw, art: digital, *random, c: dean winchester

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