[art] ordinaryink: what a beautiful sassy you are

Feb 01, 2014 09:41

[ Themed: Food and Drink ]
Title: what a beautiful sassy you are
Artist: ordinaryink
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Cas
Rating: sfw
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]none
Medium: digital
Short description: Sam/Cas Owl and Pussy Cat AU, with honey

Reccer's notes: Start the month of with something sweet. The artist says this piece was based on the wise words of obstinatrix: "sassy is the pea green boat of SPN fandom, sailing serenely between the warships in the sea of slash" and this unaffectedly happy picture is perfect for that flavor (heh) of the ship. Sam has his laptop, Cas has his bees and his jar of honey, and they have a green boat. Who could ask for more?

c: sam winchester, c: castiel, ^art, visual rating: sfw, art: digital, *themed, p: castiel/sam

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