[Fic] homo_pink: Tiny Plastic Flowers

Jan 18, 2014 16:10

[ J2 ]

Title: Tiny Plastic Flowers
Writer: homo_pink
Alternate links: AO3
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents: vampires, very brief past character death
Length: 6320 words
Summary: Jared stood at the edge of the pond he and Jensen used to spend hours at, and clutched the chicken claw tighter in his fist. Then he made his wish.

Reccer's notes: What can I say, I love love. This is a story about a love that transcends all, despite having to reinvent and rediscover itself. Beautifully told from Jared's POV.

[Short excerpt]Jensen’s the same in a lot of ways. He’s still got those same pretty, doll-like eyes. His skin is smooth and milky, little spots splashed adorably across the nose and cheeks, Jared’s favorite. His smile is still bashful sometimes, still genuine, still for one person. He’s all of those things Jared remembers, and Jared’s glad for it.

Because Jensen is different in other ways, too.

c: jensen ackles, fic: 5-15k, t: supernatural creatures/beings, c: jared padalecki, *jared/jensen, ^fic

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