[Vid] Heathyr Shea: Castiel is Taylor Swift

Jan 16, 2014 15:51

[ Dean/Castiel ]

Title: Castiel is Taylor Swift
Vidder: Heathyr Shea
Length of vid: 3:38
Rating: SFW
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Castiel
Audio used: I'd Lie by Taylor Swift
Summary: This is complete crack with a dash of romance, and I won't apologize for any of it. Not even the manips. And if you take this video seriously I get to laugh at you.

Reccer's notes: This might be my favorite thing produced in this fandom. First up, it's by heathyr, who is a fantastic editor who knows who to cut clips to tell a story and does it brilliantly. The things she does with characters shooting looks at one another! Oh, my. Secondly, this is crack at its very best, and the lyrics, text, and clips go together in ways that crack me up every time. "His sister's beautiful." Uriel's amazing face. It's all. so. good.

Third: The manips. THE MANIPS. They are everything wonderful in this world condensed into pure distilled happymaking. Or horror. Horrible happymaking. One of those.

c: castiel, visual rating: sfw, c: dean winchester, graphics: manips, ^vids, vid: 3-5min, t: crack, *dean/castiel

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