[Fic] quickreaver: Rabbits Scream

Jan 05, 2014 21:28

[ Gen ]

Title: Rabbits Scream
Writer: quickreaver
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: gen; Sam, Dean, Bobby, Hallucifer
Rating: R
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read](graphic animal deaths)
Summary: Sam is still seeing the Devil, but he's dealing. Dealing in ways he could never predict. A simple morning jog takes a wrong turn that just may put him in the right place after all.

Reccer's notes: I love it when fics get under my skin and boy does this one deliver. Quickreaver's look at Sam's struggle with the Devil in his head and what ends up grounding him in the end is unsettling and awesome.

[Short excerpt]The landscape spun for a moment before it settled into queasy stillness. Sam opened his eyes and saw the vapor from his mouth and the endless gray of the sky. He shuddered. There might’ve been the flutter of wings and for one delusional second Sam imagined angels. But it was just leaves, bits of autumn that drifted to the ground in crisp, papery rustles.

c: sam winchester, t: s7, c: bobby singer, t: angst, c: dean winchester, *gen, ^fic

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