[fic] Sa_kun: The Art of Incubating Dragons Eggs

Aug 28, 2013 19:21

[ J2 ]
Title: The Art of Incubating Dragons Eggs
Writer: Sa_kun
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: J2, background Misha/Vicki
Rating: Mature
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]From author's notes: "There are occasional bouts of violence, blood and death in this fic, but no major characters die. There are indirect and direct mentions of torture and the after-effects, the same with war, but I don't go into graphic details. Some nakedness may occur but again, no details."
Length: 27800
Summary: Jared thinks there must be something about him that screams "looking for trouble!" But he's not looking for it. Honest. He can't help it if it seems like everyone wants to hold a knife to his throat these days, or get him involved in mysterious treasure hunts that may or may not have a secret, sinister motive. Or maybe it's the dragon eggs -- the ones he found abandoned in a dilapidated cabin in the woods the other day, all wrapped up in blankets and practically sitting in a fire pit. Yeah, it's probably that, to be fair. And Madthr help him if this Jensen guy, with the too-bright eyes and the occasional claws (not to even mention the dress), isn't just bringing more chaos into his life. It's just... Well... There's something about him, okay? But then again... just what is he, exactly?

Reccer's notes: This is a really fun, really engaging read. The fantasy setting is an interesting one, with lots of different peoples and environments touched on, and a wider mythology to the world that feels like it's a place that exists even when the characters aren't directly interacting with it. There's a really fun Misha and Jared friendship in here, and Jared is pretty much darling. Jensen shows up on his doorstep, injured, and Jared takes him in and patches him up and wonders what on earth he's got himself into. Jensen is kind of a jerk of a houseguest, and yet somehow is completely endearing - I said in my comment on the fic that I thought he was a bit like a cat. I found this one a delight from start to finish - fun, funny, charming, yay :).

I'm adding an excerpt from a point where Jensen's been at Jared's house for a little while, and has taken to sleeping in Jared's bed because otherwise, as he complains, he's far too cold.

[Short excerpt]

Jared woke with a mouthful of hair. It wasn’t the least bit pleasant and he sputtered to get it out. Then Jensen grunted at him to fucking stop, he was sleeping dammit, and Jared realized that they were actively spooning and that he was sweating like a pig. Again.

Jared moved back a little and Jensen muttered, “Move and I will kill you, I swear to Madthr, Jared.”

“I’m sorry, your icicleness, but I’m fucking dying of heatstroke here.”

“Guest,” Jensen said.

Jared rolled his eyes, then slipped his arm out from under Jensen. “And I’m the fucking host you’re killing.”

“People do this,” Jensen said.

“Not with thousands of blankets in the middle of summer,” Jared muttered, then simply rolled over until he fell out of bed. “I swear, it’s like a fucking sauna under there.”

Jensen hummed. “Hey, how come you don’t have a sauna, man? You should build a sauna and put a bed in. I could sleep there. I’d never be cold,” he said, and he sounded completely blissed out. Frankly, it was more than a little disturbing.

“Uh, okay… I’m just gonna get dressed and go be somewhere… that isn’t here.”

The words, “Build a sauna,” followed him downstairs. Jared decided not only to not build a fucking sauna, but he also decided to wash up in less than lukewarm water - seriously, Jared sweated like others breathed. Then, after, when he went to his kitchen and opened his pantry, it glared back at him.

c: jensen ackles, t: supernatural creatures/beings, fic: 15-50k, c: jared padalecki, *jared/jensen, ^fic, t: fantasy

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