[Vid] mangacat201: Requiem

Aug 25, 2013 16:05

[ Invited Reccer: J2 ]
Title: Requiem
Vidder: mangacat201
Length of vid: 2:36
Rating: R (for some nudity*)
Characters and/or pairings: Jensen/Jared, Danneel
Warnings, kinks & contents: [*Click to read]Religious themes, bit of nudity, nothing you haven't seen on the show
Audio used: Requiem by Neelee Hooper for 'Romeo+Juliet'
Summary: Jensen becomes a priest after a demon possessed his lovely wife Danneel. He works alongside hunters to exorcise demons. Jensen never expects to meet a demon who’s possessing a very familiar person.

Reccer's notes:To me fanvids work best if the images and music complement each other. Both tell a very ominous story here. The images have an unavoidable SPN vibe, but the very clever addition of demon Danneel gives this an excellent RPS feel.

c: jensen ackles, *challenges, c: danneel harris, *jared/jensen, vid: 1-3min, ^vids, *invited reccer, c: jared padalecki

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