[art] annartism: ice cream -- then and now

Aug 19, 2013 17:13

[ Challenges ]
Title: ice cream -- then and now
Artist: annartism
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Rating: sfw
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]none
Medium: digital
Short description: Sam and Dean and ice cream, weeChesters and grown up

Reccer's notes: A lovely study in continuity and character, from the spn_summer_art challenge. The artist highlights the similarity between young Sam and Dean and their older selves, Dean immersing himself in the immediate experience, Sam always with the intently divided focus, both sharing an experience despite their different approaches. Perfect summer viewing (or, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, perfect for anticipation).

c: sam winchester, ^art, *challenges, art: digital, c: dean winchester

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