The best laid plans

Aug 13, 2005 11:13

This week, I noticed some weird things involving my fuel. Like when I'm near or below the 1/4 mark, the car has trouble starting. And the needle tends to fluctuate anywhere from just below 1/2 down to the E. So I had that on my mind. I was even thinking of calling Car Talk this morning. Also, with gas prices where they are, I was talking about ( Read more... )

car wreck, car, pics

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Comments 6

moonseternity August 13 2005, 17:08:53 UTC
Something very similar happened to my brother in his wife's car. And after they said it would all be fixed and nearly good as new, they totaled the car. There was more damage to the front end and bending and stuff that they hadn't counted on.


r_is_for_rose August 13 2005, 21:27:49 UTC
I'm glad you're all right! I've been in a similar accident with my sister driving and the other person almost hitting MY door. That driver had no insurance. Since the damages would have cost WAY more to fix than the car was worth, our insurance company just wrote us a check for the Kelly Blue Book value.

Anyway, I would ask your insurance company if they can re-imburse you for the rental car. That's what I thought they were there for. You deal with your company and let them deal with hers. Have fun this weekend!


lafee August 15 2005, 06:02:17 UTC
Shit! I'm glad you're ok.


rockjock August 15 2005, 13:50:32 UTC
Me, too. Nice timing, though. I hadn't gotten around to filling up yet at the $2.56/gal I hd been bitching about in my last post. In fact, I would have filled up at the station about 3 blocks from the accident. See, this is just God's sick way of dealing me a lucky hand. Oh, it's a bad hand, but it's still a lucky one!


tenacious_me August 17 2005, 01:10:17 UTC
I would keep a close eye on your insurance company. When I was rear-ended back in 1999, State Farm really didn't help us out like we thought they would/should.

Our car was completely totalled---the frame was bent, the back window busted out, and the driver seat had fallen into the backseat (because my head hit it so hard). I was left with a serious concussion, whiplash, and various cuts.

However, the insurance company just wanted to get things settled. They wanted to give us what the blue book value of the car was, and that was that. If you do have any injuries (which it sounds like you don't), car repairs, etc. make sure you get it all taken care of before they cut the check.

Basically, I learned that the insurance company plays a secondary role---you have to be up front and see that things go through on your own.

Good luck!


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