66. Ancient

Feb 01, 2008 08:09

"Ancient?" Nanba stroked his mustache sadly. "Do I really seem that old to others ( Read more... )

66, team rocket, systemaurora's fics, nanba

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Comments 2

blackjackrocket February 1 2008, 08:15:00 UTC

That must mean Viper's on the chopping block too...although I feel I should point out that there *is* a recruiter who's older than either of them. But she could be a special case.


flagellantket February 1 2008, 21:21:11 UTC
Yay, you were able to finish this one!

Aww, I thought it was sweet. And the idea of Nanba settling down with a wife at this stage in his life is oddly adorable.


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