Dammit...is it Namba or Nanba?

Jun 15, 2007 15:04

What's this? An entry?! FROM ME?!?!?!

Yes. I made myself to it. I had to sit down and pull this out of my brain like extracting teeth, but maybe I'm one step closer to getting rid of the most severe case of writer's block that I've ever had. *gonk*

the fruits of my labor )

namba, butch, team rocket, cassidy, 58

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Comments 5

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evil_raichu June 15 2007, 21:38:40 UTC
Yeah, poor Namba. T_T But at least he got a present.


blackjackrocket June 16 2007, 03:39:02 UTC
Aww, what did they get him?


evil_raichu June 16 2007, 12:23:18 UTC
I'm not sure...so I didn't have him open it, lol. Any ideas? (A brand new orange tie. *shot*)


(The comment has been removed)

evil_raichu June 16 2007, 12:23:41 UTC

LET'S HAVE IT. I'm interested now.


systemaurora January 21 2008, 06:09:06 UTC
*post digs* This fic is full of win and awesome. Even if there was no fic at all, this post would still be full of win because of the icon. =P


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