
Apr 28, 2007 07:37

Pardon my English again. >_>

You see, before I fell asleep, I had this weird idea... And I thought, hey, why not?
64. Beginning )

team aqua, immemoire's fics, 64, maxie, oc, team magma, archie

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Comments 3

blackjackrocket April 28 2007, 06:41:31 UTC
I knew it had to be Edmond, even with the part about the dress.

Damn, to write that formally at age 8?

LOL at Archie smelling like fish.


evil_raichu April 28 2007, 16:17:32 UTC
^O^ omg wow. I second the LOL where Archie smells like fish. xD

Very good! It was funny, because I thought it was Edmond, but then the dress part actually did throw me off, but then I was like...nah...wait, yeah...

LOL good job.


flagellantket April 29 2007, 05:29:43 UTC
Wow. The dress part threw me off too. It was really well-written, good job!


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