Well I've just finished reading B.A.R up to vol 15 today, so I was rolling with the dye idea :) I'm very new to the Batman franchise in general so I'm not too sure what's accepted canon and what isn't. I'd seen scans of ginger!Jason in the older comics over at scan_daily too so :s
Next time, I'll definitely draw him with dark hair :)
Comments 2
Jason Mk1 was a redhead, who dyed his own hair black so he could be Robin (at a time when Jason hadn't formally become Robin yet)
Jsaon Mk2 was never a redhead, he had black hair from the first time we ever saw him, before he met Batman
So where Morrison got that bit from is anyone's guess, but it wasn't any comic DC ever printed.
Next time, I'll definitely draw him with dark hair :)
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