Faery Christmas!*

Dec 16, 2010 08:50

I discovered a Most Exciting Thing this morning -- it appears that Arrow is already on the shelves at some bookstores in the UK!

I am not sure about Ireland, since last year Rebel was kept off the shelves until the official release date, but perhaps one of my Irish friends can let me know about that one ( Read more... )

arrow, ultraviolet

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Comments 21

kerravonsen December 16 2010, 14:21:52 UTC


lkmadigan December 16 2010, 14:29:22 UTC
Wheeee! Go ARROW!!


fiofiorina December 16 2010, 15:18:38 UTC
Wheee!!! A pity it's not in Switzerland yet.


haworth_attard December 16 2010, 15:46:02 UTC
That is wonderful!!!


davidbrider December 16 2010, 16:01:15 UTC
Didn't you post a little while back that you'd be doing some signings in the UK in the early part of next year? I think I'll probably hold off buying it until then. Do you have specific dates for that yet, by the way?


rj_anderson December 16 2010, 17:23:13 UTC
Yes! I'll be in the UK from January 31 - February 4, with various appearances in London, Lancaster, Leeds and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. The schedule isn't completely firm yet, but as soon as it is I'll post the details.


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