The Horns of Simon

Feb 18, 2007 15:30

This morning my four-year-old son and I were watching lizbee's latest Old Skool Doctor Who vid, which celebrates the dubious charms of "The Horns of Nimon" (with bonus pants-ripping action!). Simon is a sensitive little soul and easily frightened by monsters as a rule, but as soon as he saw his first Nimon he fell in love. "I like that guy!" he chirped ( Read more... )

doctor who, art, family, linkage, videos

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Comments 9

labellerose February 18 2007, 21:29:36 UTC
Ph34R the mighty Nimon! (or Simon, as the case may be)
Your kids are the cutest things ever, RJ.


lydaclunas February 18 2007, 23:52:54 UTC
Oh MAN that's funny. I especially love the shoes.


lizbee February 19 2007, 01:23:33 UTC
He captured the platform boots! *squeezes him*


piecesofalice February 19 2007, 01:29:26 UTC

OH! That is by and far the best thing I have seen all year. Simon for the win!

Me: "You've inspired that!"
Liz: "I know. *preens*"


kateorman February 19 2007, 17:57:55 UTC
That is the greatest work of art since my kid sister's "Miffi and the Rani".


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