*squeeeeee*! and a Virtual Auction

May 26, 2004 12:38

I got an unexpected package in the mail from Laurie King today! And inside was a gorgeous white t-shirt with the cover of The Game on it! Plus, a nifty stand-up promotional card for the book, with the same artwork and a blurb that reads, "This game's too good for the world's greatest detective to take on alone. Fortunately, she'll have some help ( Read more... )

perks, mary russell, books, auctions, laurie r king

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Comments 13

labellerose May 26 2004, 14:51:34 UTC
cozy fleece throw in color of your choice, with an embroidered initial?


rj_anderson May 30 2004, 13:08:54 UTC
Ooh, that does sound nice, but we have lots of blankets already. Thanks for the offer, though!


sannalim May 26 2004, 15:14:08 UTC
one dozen cinnamon rolls shipped overnight, with recipe card


rj_anderson May 30 2004, 13:16:39 UTC
Heh. You do realize, that after the description you gave of how utterly delicious these rolls of yours are, I just have to taste them for myself. The only concern is -- will you be allowed to ship them cross-border? I'm not sure what the regulations are about foodstuffs these days, with all the homeland security issues and whatnot.

If it's not too much of a problem to get them here, though, then hey, you win the auction.


kerravonsen May 26 2004, 19:51:19 UTC
What sort of website layout did you have in mind?
(Not that I'm really interested in the T-shirt, as I have not read any of the Laurie King novels, though I must admit, I am becoming intrigued -- especially with a blurb like that!)


rj_anderson May 30 2004, 13:11:46 UTC
Oh, I'm just tired of the layout on the page that I've been using for about six years now, but too lazy to think about redesigning it. No big deal, I didn't have any coherent ideas or anything.

And you should definitely read LRK's books, they're very well written and quite a lot of fun. While I was in the throes of my mad Holmes obsession I read a truckload of pastiches, and was never really satisfied with any of them. But as soon as I read The Beekeeper's Apprentice it was like, "Whoa. This is IT. Full stop."


kerravonsen May 31 2004, 14:45:58 UTC
Oh, I'm just tired of the layout on the page that I've been using for about six years now, but too lazy to think about redesigning it. No big deal, I didn't have any coherent ideas or anything.

Well, I'm still interested; I like creative challenges like that. Please do discuss it with me further (via email) if you want.

And you should definitely read LRK's books, they're very well written and quite a lot of fun.

My local bookstore only has "Oh Jerusalem" so I've hit Amazon, because I always like to read things in order. So "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" should be arriving in about two weeks.


Russell Tee shirt bid anonymous May 27 2004, 08:52:52 UTC
Hi, It's "Merely a whim." here. Ah, yes...bidding. I'm not good with coming up with intangibles (like the number of angels dancing on that proverbial pinhead) but I am rather clever and crafty with my hands. If you'd rather not have Russell related stuff (so the floor plan of the cottage in Sussex is out, eh?), why not something writer related? How about a blank-page hardbound book (ruled page or blank, your choice) with a snazzy embellished cover and ribbon bookmark? I could do a flat surface decoration (paint and faux finishes, collage, decoupage, etc.) or I could do bas-relief (polymer clay applique, embroidery with threads/ribbons/beads/gemstone cabochons, etc.) or I'm open to suggestions from you on choice of embellishment. I personally adore the black hardbound artists books you can get from the art supply stores, because you can write or sketch as the mood strikes you and the paper can take wet media if you just *gotta* paint something. But there's also the visceral pleasure of writing and handling good-quality paper ( ... )


Re: Russell Tee shirt bid rj_anderson May 30 2004, 13:13:38 UTC
I bet your work is gorgeous, but I have a hard time picking up a pen these days. My hand always cramps within the first five minutes -- I don't enjoy writing longhand at all. So any book you made me would be admired for its pretty cover and then left on the shelf permanently blank, which would be a sad and wasteful thing indeed... thanks for the offer, though!


anonymous May 30 2004, 22:07:33 UTC
Lately, it seems I've been doing only two things: cooking and sewing. So two dozen cookies? Although they’d have the same problem crossing the border as the cinnamon rolls, so maybe something sewn. . . either a Maya Wrap style baby sling (they make great gifts if your little one’s too big), or a pinner apron? Or, if we can work something out with the fabric, a cloak? All this is assuming the bidding’s not yet closed. . . .

from Russ_L


rj_anderson June 2 2004, 10:00:00 UTC
I have a Maya Wrap already, thanks -- I bought it before my first son was born because I'd heard so many good things about it, but I never could get the hang of adjusting it comfortably, though I tried numerous times and watched the video a bunch of times to be sure I was doing it right. I did get some use out of it, but not a lot...

In any case, I did already tell sannalim that she'd won the shirt, so I don't think it would be fair for me to reopen the bidding now. Unless, of course, it turns out that she can't get the rolls across the border, in which case I'll reconsider the existing non-food-item bids (including yours) and pick a new winner. So all hope is not yet lost...


anonymous June 3 2004, 11:50:49 UTC
I figured it was too late when I posted, but since I had finally come up with a reasonable bid (aka, one that *didn’t* involve CAD files which are prolly just slightly less useful to you than the Maya Wrap) I decided to post it anyway.

If you’re possibly interested in anything I mentioned, contact me at my yahoo address (EmmaDingo@yahoo.com).



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