Deline Legacy, Generation 10.2!

Apr 22, 2010 02:01

I know I said Randolphs next, but then I loaded my game without disabling the HomeworkSometimes hack, so instead of wasting that time, I just played the Delines instead.

Last time, GENERATION 10 WAS BORN! Is anything else really all that important?

(Okay, Erik and Leia are staying youthful til the end of the legacy because I they can. Dylan married Genesis, and they had twins Niamh and Noelle. Delilah married SHERMAN (LOL) and had a son, Nathan. Sherman is perma-plat because he already hit his LTW of topping the business career. Delilah and Sherman ended the update with an impregnation marathon, because Delilah's a family sim and Sherman shoots blanks.)

Genesis confuses me. I'm imagining her constantly asking Dylan if he thinks they should have another baby. Dylan being Dylan, the answer is always no.

Can't he see that genes like this need to be spread around?

B-but I want a relatively small generation because I intend to have them cohabitate with the YAs of another legacy!

Sorry, girls, your father is busy trying to maintain relationships since his LTW involving 5 top businesses will NEVER happen.

Genesis has a (literal) slacker job, so she's got plenty of time to spend with the kidlets.

NOELLE CAN FINALLY WALK. Hopefully she's not considered developmentally slow compared to the other two kids. :( :(

Delilah rockin' the hot prof look!

Of all the unexpected bastions of maternal instinct...

Here we have Delilah cursing her mother's name for being in the bathroom when she needed to vomit. What I'm here to tell you is that she ran all the way over here from another bathroom.

Bitch is crazy!

Shut up.

I was being all proactive and was having Leia cook a turkey ahead of time for the headmaster visit, since the kids' birthday is tomorrow night. I apparently couldn't invite the headmaster over until they'd actually aged up for some reason, though. GRR.

C'mon, say Grandma.




This was simultaneous on two sides of a shared wall. I'm imagining them tapping out code commiserating with each other on the annoying adults.

Nathan's got this delightfully wistful look that his cousins don't have.

Holy crap, I wish I was playing and had an ace in my hand! :D

Apparently, pregnancy hormones make Delilah want to play FPSs. It's a healthy outlet for violent tendancies, right?

I just realized that Delilah's "look" totally clashes with the decoration I gave her bedroom, ha!

Erik continues to creep on his son and daughter-in-law. Just because you share a connected bathroom does not mean that there's an open invitation here!

So what about havin--


You didn't let me finish.

I don't need to.


...I've never seen you in my life, man!

You almost ran me over!

He was late for work. It is also fucking winter, what are you trying to do with the dead flowers again?

It's a bad sign when I already feel like the lot is so full I need to send all bodies away from the lot that I can.

I like that these two are still so cute with each other. I can only assume that Dylan has accepted the fact that Genesis is just a wee bit crazy.

I just don't know why people DON'T give peace a chance!

HA HA, that's great!

Oh good, Dylan's picked up the old family tradition of being wasted out of his mind?

...I don't think that is Dylan's fault. Not directly.

It gave him a lot of aspiration points, but I don't see how best-befriending your own clone is that much of an accomplishment.

I think this means I can get rid of her help her move up in her career tomorrow, too!

Very large birthday party commences! Nathan is out-cuting the girls again!

How the hell did I manage to townify untucked pants again. *sigh* I'm keeping that outfit, though. I love it. BATMAN FLUORESCENT YELLOW.

Well...that's complicated. At least your husband's got a modicum of reason?




Kid's full but decides to learn how to bake. Oookay.

This is more along the lines of what I expect from the children.

I don't know why he's playing in the corner of the room by himself, either, Sherman. He seems happy, though?

...apparently Erik suited up in his outerwear, went outside, just to get all happy that it snowed.

I guess Dylan just realized that he has a couple of twin terrors running around the whole house now.

You know...I'd not mind the burglar half as much if he didn't show up EVERY TIME I manage to get the entire household asleep at the same time. (Oh 3x time, how I long for your sweet embrace once more...)





They proceeded to fight for about 3 sim hours on the porch.

Never a question, this outcome. THE COP IS A FUCKING DEMON.

I'm sure Niamh and Noelle were instrumental in the criminal's capture. They very convincingly slept while he tried to break into the house. During the fight. And while you walk past Delilah and Sherman's bedroom to go sneak into the one with two little girls.

NA NA NA NA NA NA...demon cop?

It's good to know that Delilah wasn't disturbed. (Actually, since the house alarm never went off, just the cars outside, no one woke up. How they even knew they had a burglar, then, is a mystery to my mind.)

I think this blanket would work better in a floral...

Uh...not with the rest of the room looking like it does!

Bye Auntie Delilah, I'm off to school now, and I'm going to have lots of innocent fun!


...what are you hiding behind your back?

Oh, nothing, I just like to walk with my hand resting there. I absolutely am not sneaking stink bombs to school with me on the first day.

And they all are going to have a nice day at school. (I hope that's not where Delilah is principal!)


STEP THE FUCK OFF, LEIA're making breakfast after the kids left?

I wanted pancakes, son!

I'd like that for breakfast!

The men are spending the day home together. Mostly shirtless, and partially enraged~

I...don't think that's a sound poker strategy, Sherman.

"Niamh has some severe conduct issues. She will not listen to instruction and purposefully acts out for attention."

...uh oh...

I think Delilah's proud that she managed to get through work being that big without having a mental breakdown or wetting herself!

Oh it's Headmaster Time~

HHHE, you so dreamy!

Welcome to our home, I'm sure you will find it perfect for your school's rigorous standards...

Mommy, it wasn't my fault! My teacher is absolutely insane! Don't believe a word she says!

Well, we'll see about that after I help you with your homework.

...I still have to do my homework?! But my teacher assigned it.

I don't care if she needs to be committed, of course you'll have homework when you come home from school.

Your crazy mom seems to have a lucid streak involving the education of you kids.

So this is the library. Don't be distracted by my husband. He was born that way.

Which way, Mrs. Deline?

I know the bright green walls must have lured you inside, sir, but this room used to belong to my whore of a mother-in-law. Pay it no mind!

How intruiging! Tell me more!

Of course not! My husband never even met his father, and I will not bring up any more discussion of her. THAT. WHORE.

Who knew Leia was repressing such anger? Erik doesn't even seem to care he didn't have a dad. He practically had three mothers, you know!

I wonder if I ever had a chance with your great-grandmother, Nathan?


(The answer is yes, but still!)

I love meeting new people. OM NOM NOM

Try not to mind Genesis. D:

I've suddenly lost my appetite.

Oh don't let Leia hear you say that. She was trying to convince Erik the other night that she was bound to be a better cook than his mother was.

Well, now I feel a bit guilty.

I know you two painted the walls and are having the picture perfect sort of marriage in here, but it's like she desecrated these very walls!
Look, Leia. It's not really any of your business.

Gram? Uncle Sherman?

It's not what you think, Niamh! ...I don't think, anyway.

Are you not very hungry tonight?

The baby is kicking me something fierce, Nathan.

I'll go wrap this up and put it in the fridge.

Well, I suppose the crazy redhead is still focused on education. And with a mother like yours in the household, these kids need all the help they can get. Welcome to the academy!

Thanks...I think.

So...I was thinking. The girls are getting big, and Delilah's going to have her baby any day soon now. Isn't it the perfect time to make our family bigger?

Dylan apparently said no. Again.

Speaking of giving birth...

I like to live on the wild side!

One! It's a girl, named Norah. She's got Delilah's eyes, blonde hair, and skin towards the dark end of the spectrum.

...we're getting kinda heavily proportioned towards girls. Maybe I should let Genesis try for a boy...

A girl? We have one of each now! How perfectly balanced!

If only the other two couples that are procreating for the giant conglomeration were so evenly producing...

Welp. I'm totally going to regret this. BUT I DO IT ANYWAY.

So, it says in this version of the baby book that babies should lay on their side. But the last one said on their back. What am I supposed to believe?

Er...and then Speed Racer began to wonder why the Mysterious Driver seemed so familiar to him.

I didn't want to hear a story about stupid car racing, Uncle Sherman! I wanted to hear about spaceships!

Wait, did I just agree to try to have another baby?

I just sort of mentioned having a little version of you to play ball with...

But I already have Noelle! Dammit!

Nathan's absolute favorite pasttime is chess. I don't know if there's a cap, but he maxed Logic a few days into childhood. Alone, with others, CHESS CHESS CHESS.

It's so ATTRACTIVE that my husband knows how to deal with little girls. He'll be perfect with Norah!

...Family sims.


I don't think it's appropriate right now to be having barefoot water balloon fights outside.

I think Genesis is stunned that she's actually going to have another kid. She spent her first trimester with this glazed-over look on her face.

You had a baby this morning, Delilah! Ouch!

Wait, what?

Thank goodness Sherman shoots blanks.

I think Leia is jealous in some sort of bizarre way over your grandmother, who was definitely fiiiiiine. But it's not like she's not, either.

Oh is that so?

Definitely. And I lucked out and married the perfect combination of the two of them.

I'm so glad I won't have to end up slapping you silly.

Girls? There's a bit of a mess in here, and I'd like to--



You're dead!

No way, I hit you first.


Girls, I have to mop the floor!

I guess the maid lost the battle.

Watch how high I can get this to splash!

And the war.

Kacper, what the hell are doing with my husband in the bathroom?

Someone was looking--

I don't give a damn if someone was filming you here with a spy camera, broadcasting the feed, and charging admission. Get the hell out of my house!

So...preg morph looks fine. Fat morph looks fine. It's the fat + preg morph that breaks Genesis's pants.

Sherman is so sterile I'm beginning to wonder if the other two kids were a product of sim in-vitro or something. (Well, the first one technically was, LOL.)


You're barely overweight, Genesis. It'll be faster to fix your pants by getting you back over that little line than by waiting for you to give birth.

It's always the quiet ones.

I don't care how unattractive you find the maid, Delilah, why aren't you grossed out by your father apparently whipping it out with the door to the bathroom open?


YES ONE MORE SIM OFF THE LOT. (We're currently at 10, though I'm sure most of you are capable of doing the math, and I should not leave this line in the update but I already typed it, so--)

Will this promotion get him out of that godawful crop tee?

It's Norah's birthday. Noelle is also celebrating the very concept of crime.

I don't remember that outfit. It's cute!

And so is Norah! (I so overuse that hair on the kids, but I love it. :3)

HAHAHAHAHAHA--no. I think Sherman secretly got a vasectomy while you were at work one day.

You have two adorable kids who seem to like each other. Can't that be enough?

Genesis and teaching kids goes too well together to not be slightly disturbing.

I fear that the gnomes have Nathan priming a minion.

First day of ~private school~. Niamh, you could at least try to arrive still looking convincingly innocent!

Ah yes. I myself have had many romantic moments inside of a busted shower.

Genesis popped so hard her feet left the ground!

Genesis still hasn't left the fat morph, despite being well out of the section on the fitness meter. Which means we get treated to this distorted morph with slender arms and legs, and a freaking DISTENDED ABDOMEN REMINISCENT OF ALIEN SPAWN.

Looks like Niamh didn't get a report sent home from this school. Yet.

They all had no homework, little need decay, and it was warm, so I made them all go swimming.

Geez, haven't you maxed your career yet?

Delilah goes straight to dote on Norah.

I don't trust them lawyers.


Nice friend, Delilah.

Also, nice husband--your mother-in-law is a lawyer, Sherman!

All the kids rolled wants for's kind of odd.

If you don't like it, then why do you watch football games?

So, don't like lawyers, eh? Well, you're going to need one after you get done with this poker thrashing I'm going to give you!

Erik looks like some celebrity here, making this face, but I can't put my finger on it. It's driving me nuts. As for the reaction on the other side of the table...

Hee, Daddy, you're so funny!

Bring it on, old man.

It is too hard!



I hope you're not implying a lack of virility on my part.

Of course not! I'm actually reveling in your secret vasectomy.


Who needs another kid when you've got ones as cute as Nathan and Norah, seriously?



That should be sent off to an art school for supplies in a charcoal drawing course!

Okay, I am getting sick of you two hellions making giant puddles all over the goddamn house. Mop up your mess!


You heard me.

What's wrong with Aunt Genesis?

Just get to school, Nathan.


Oh my goodness, I've never been present at a home birth before.

Don't worry honey, I've grabbed the plunger just in case the head gets stuck!

What is WRONG with you, Dylan?!

What is wrong with you, Quinctia?

A girl with pale skin, Dylan's eyes, and blonde hair.

You know what? I think you birthing my babies is so hot.

Shut up, Dylan!

And a boy, with Dylan's eyes, blonde hair, and that ubiquitous skin that you already see on Leia and Delilah.

Twins again! One of each! We are so awesome, Genesis!

I think this proves that Dylan is the true heir of Generation 9. The Deline legacy started with two pairs of twins, and it obviously was supposed to end with two pairs of twins.

Wait, the ones who have the uncontrollable twin girls just had two more?!

Just think, after this gen, you're done being their maid, Alec!

Oh yeah, about names. Well, you see, last time Dylan picked one name--Noelle, and Genesis picked one name--Niamh. A bit odd, but not completely unheard of. Genesis wanted a "biblical" theme this time, to go with her name.

Dylan picked one name--Noah, for the boy. Genesis then named their daughter--Nevaeh*.

I told you she was psychotic.

...hey wait, I can't use that caption for two pics in a row! Aw fuck it.


I've decided what I want to be when I grow up, Noelle!

Okay, what?


Uh...that's great, Nathan. Very...creative.

How many levels to this career are there?

I'm just happy to be a force for good in children's lives!

That face is terrifying! *icons*

Don't you have homework to do or something?

Nope. Teacher says that we're trying "unschooling" this term. We can progress with what we choose, how we choose. I choose to learn how to do virtual snowboard stunts.

Hi, Gram! Now, I know I was late, but I was merely focusing on physical activity by walking home the long way from school today. I most certainly did not have a detention for carving runes into a classmate!

Into their desk?

Uh, sure. I totally didn't carve runes into them OR their desk!

And then there's Nathan.

See, Sherman? Delilah totally finds you virile.

...both of you now? SERIOUSLY?

Poor Nevaeh, cursed with a trashy name AND flies.

Genesis would totally tuck in one of her girls, but she's afraid of what she'll find hidden in their bedroom.

Okay, now I'm sure a concert pianist can't wear that horrible outfit for performances. Right?


* For those of you not in the habit of reading places that make fun of silly/horrible baby names, "Nevaeh" is "Heaven" backwards. Good job, Genesis!

I'm tempting fate by not putting Delilah on birth control, but I am so certain that Sherman's shooting blanks, I see no danger. Though there are twelve sims on the lot right now, which is...a lot.

Okay, Randolphs are definitely next. And I might do the Delines again before the Laurinces. It seems that with the double heirs and now greater number of kids, they might have more updates to cover the same amount of time.

founder challenge 1, deline legacy, brazen meadows

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