
Feb 01, 2008 16:14

I'm missing out on ghost-hunting.

Of the sock-stealing ghost kind.

How disappointing~ I'd like to see what a sock-stealing ghost is like, myself. Though I do wonder why she's at a tennis camp. It doesn't seem like a good, ghostly place. No one's done any rituals involving chicken blood lately, right? Well, unless she had a boyfriend once ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

heliusrex February 1 2008, 21:27:42 UTC
A shame you couldn't join us, Kisarazu. You have some interesting insights that could help us in our search. Thus far, we have not had the success I could have hoped for.

Do give Reika my best regards when you see her. ♥


ribbonsandlaces February 1 2008, 22:10:29 UTC
It is~ And practice just hasn't been the same either. Mmm...well, I would try but ghosts are tricky things. Getting her to show herself would be difficult.

I think you're supposed to do a seance or something to talk to the dead anyway.

Of course. <3


heliusrex February 1 2008, 22:21:44 UTC
I imagine it has been bland without the usual antics and chanting and screaming girls and the like. Or did the screaming girls stick around?

A séance. I remember Seigaku's Oishi mentioned something about that, as well. Failing all else...


ribbonsandlaces February 1 2008, 22:28:12 UTC
It has been, yes. Though the screaming girls are still loud. They've just dropped the volume a couple of levels. I assume they're just saving their voices for Monday, and then they'll be back to normal~

That or an Ouija board, but I doubt anyone there thought to bring that with them.


harudori February 1 2008, 23:39:33 UTC
Chicken blood? Not that I know of, though one never knows with Higa lurking about....

Curiously, I've not found any sign of anything resembling a ghost in the days since Keigo's first mentioned her, nor have there been any other ... incidents, shall we say, save the mysterious disappearance of Ryou's socks, which I believe is entirely due to some earthly culprit.

It is a shame. A sock-stealing ghost would be fun. I suppose I'll have to content myself with Keigo's inherent paranoia and Ryou's inability to pass up anything even remotely approaching science fiction.

Do take care of my sister. <3

[ooc: Small is all screened. o.O;]


ribbonsandlaces February 1 2008, 23:50:38 UTC
Well so long as there's no chicken blood, a ghost is probably the worst you'll have to deal with. Chicken blood tends to mean very nasty things. But you probably already knew that...

Well, ghosts are easy enough to fake, Yuushi. You just need a sheet, some scary lighting, a few moans. As for Ryou's socks, hm. Either he really did forget them or you guys have a prankster of some kind running around. Which...wouldn't surprise me. I know I would steal all of his socks~

It's quite amusing, really. Buchou even seems to be curious about a séance. It's a pity your not a medium, Yuushi~

Oh of course. I'll take care of Reika-chan just like I would my own sister brother. <3

[ooc] Small screened back, strike not deleted. >>;


harudori February 1 2008, 23:59:23 UTC
Very nasty things. It's fortunate that our meals are made of plastic and cardboard.

Exactly. While I wouldn't put it past Ryou to leave behind something as important as socks, I also wouldn't put it past a few of our dear colleagues here at camp to resort to petty thievery as a means of either revenge (Seigaku) or the sheer fun of it (Rikkai).

Ah, but he doesn't know that, does he? He does believe I've come equipped with "ghost hunting supplies", after all....

Ah, so you'll spoil her. She'll appreciate it, I'm sure. <3


ribbonsandlaces February 2 2008, 00:07:16 UTC
Oh, that sounds nutritious. Still, lack of chickens would mean lack of chicken blood, so it really is for the best.

And of course, even if they were taken, Ryou seems to believe he left them behind. Ah...honestly, I'd put my money on them being taken by either of those two more than him forgetting them.

No, he doesn't. And of course, I'd have no clue either. (Don't be so modest, Yuushi. You're always prepared like that. <3)

Of course. That is the best part of taking Reika-chan and Ry-chan shopping~


purplelitesaber February 2 2008, 00:24:18 UTC
You think a ghost stole my socks? Tch they're probably just at home being slobbered on by my dog.

And maybe we'll find out Hyoutei High is possessed and can go ghost hunting there.

Reika-chan? And why does that get a heart? You better not try anything funny!

ooc: Strike deleted because he realizes that might make him look insane and possessive otherwise.


ribbonsandlaces February 2 2008, 00:26:35 UTC
That's also entirely possible, I suppose. Just as possible as the ghost taking them. Neither is really likely, all things considered...

Oh, it could be. Saint Rudolph's was~

[ooc] Ditto on the strikes. XD Poor Ryou~ I think Atsushi is trying to rile him up.


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