"By the Pen" downtime

May 22, 2014 18:45

Unfortunately, my website will be down for a while - I'm looking for a new host and haven't found the time to look into all the possibilities yet.

In the meantime, almost all of my stories are available on AO3My X-Files novel "The Gift of an Enemy" is the only exception - if that's the story you want, just drop me a line and I'll send it to you ( Read more... )

fanfic, website

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Comments 3

jakrar May 22 2014, 21:06:49 UTC
Just stumbled across this post, and had to ask:

I have "The Gift of an Enemy" in both electronic and paper-zine form, and absolutely adore it (one of my favorite rereads), but I thought I heard somewhere that there was a sequel to the story. True or untrue? And, if true, where can I find it? *gives you the puppy-eyes* Help, pretty please...?


rheasilvia May 23 2014, 21:15:25 UTC
I'm very glad you enjoy "The Gift of an Enemy" so much - it's wonderful to hear it holds up to rereading so well for you! :-)

However, I'm afraid there is no sequel, nor will there ever be. I'm sorry I can't bear better tidings in this matter...


jakrar May 29 2014, 00:17:06 UTC
Sorry to hear there's no sequel, but the original will always be there, and for that I thank you greatly.


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