Okay weddings, great in concept, horrible in implementation. I just got off the phone with my mother. For the second time today. It seems that no matter how calm I am planning to be, nobody else wants me to be calm and easygoing about this. I thought now that the bridesmaid dresses were settled and everybody had ordered and paid etc that my mom
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Comments 6
1. the money just isn't there.
2. and most important, then my mom would just be calling me and asking if the coordinator has done this or have I talked to them about that. etc. My mom is a born planner and worrier. Nothing is gonna stop her from going nuts over this. I just have to deal with it I guess.
I wish there was someplace I could hire a substitute me. lol
Course I would most likely never talk to my family again but hte sacrfices we make for science. lol
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