
Feb 27, 2006 13:10

Okay weddings, great in concept, horrible in implementation. I just got off the phone with my mother. For the second time today. It seems that no matter how calm I am planning to be, nobody else wants me to be calm and easygoing about this. I thought now that the bridesmaid dresses were settled and everybody had ordered and paid etc that my mom ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

athenienne February 27 2006, 20:11:06 UTC
Hire a coordinator. Then your mom can bug them instead of you. Good times!


ressa6778 February 27 2006, 20:22:07 UTC
All well and good in theory. Unfortuneatly there would be two issues.

1. the money just isn't there.
2. and most important, then my mom would just be calling me and asking if the coordinator has done this or have I talked to them about that. etc. My mom is a born planner and worrier. Nothing is gonna stop her from going nuts over this. I just have to deal with it I guess.

I wish there was someplace I could hire a substitute me. lol


athenienne February 27 2006, 20:27:44 UTC
Hee! One day we will have clones, and they will make our lives much easier. They'll cook and clean and talk to all the realtives we don't want to deal with.


ressa6778 February 27 2006, 20:37:22 UTC
I fully support cloning in these cases. lol

Course I would most likely never talk to my family again but hte sacrfices we make for science. lol


sevendamnit February 28 2006, 00:31:34 UTC
Awe, I am so sorry you're stressing out and have a head-ache over it! Weddings can be so tense! But, it'll all work out! It just will! And, you WILL survive with your sanity!


ressa6778 February 28 2006, 01:24:40 UTC
So I hope. So good to hear form you. What have you been up to lately?


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