
Mar 11, 2007 14:37

I totally didn't notice there was an earthquake.


Good thing I didn't have a home to come back to. It'd prolly be wrecked...Wait...ah shit. I still have to find a place to sleep! Crap! Shit! Okay, where's that hotel everyone's all talking about?

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Comments 10

turk_girl March 11 2007, 21:43:41 UTC
its a few blocks awya form the bark, but you can stay at my house Reno^^


reno_part_deux March 12 2007, 22:13:05 UTC
Elena-chan, I love you, you know that? *clings*


turk_girl March 13 2007, 00:29:54 UTC
youre welcome Reno^^ We got plenty of room

now please get off of me


reno_part_deux March 13 2007, 12:58:07 UTC
Awesome. You'll hafta show me around tho....yanno, since that earthquake's kinda thrown off my sense of what the hell's where. XD

Ah. Yeah. Sorry. *lets go*


lightnnggirl12 March 12 2007, 03:32:03 UTC
YOURE THE ONE WHO GAVE ME A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


reno_part_deux March 12 2007, 22:15:01 UTC

Who are you again?

And what the hell is this about a kid?


lightnnggirl12 March 13 2007, 00:41:27 UTC
My new daughter has the traits of someone like you or Axel, and it cant possibly be Axel because he is extremely homosexual!!!


reno_part_deux March 13 2007, 13:02:44 UTC
....Okay, ah...although I would love to admit that you are lovely and that I want you to bear my kid, I don't want to. Reason number one being that you just scared the hell out of me. Other reason...

Lady, take a gooood look at me. Now look at your kid. I can't possibly be the dad, even if...she?...has red hair. C'mon, I'm a dumbass at best, and I'm crazy at worst. Any kid of mine would have to be shot as soon as they pop out, otherwise they'll wreak havoc unlike anything man has ever seen. (Yes, even worse than Sephiroth.)

Come on now, do you REALLY think I'm the dad?


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