Renji's Birthday Challenge '07

Aug 20, 2007 15:00

Already that time of yr. again. In honor of celebrating Renji's birthday on the 31st, I thought it'd be fun to throw out to the community a birthday challenge.

Copy and paste the code if you'd like to pimp this in your LJ." target="new">" border=0>

Here's the rundown:

  • Renji/Rukia only (can have other characters in the background but the main focus here is on RenRuki)

  • 3somes or 4somes are fine if you want to use Pyon and Renji's gigai into the mix (it seems he doesn't have a name that I know of).

  • Does not have to be birthday themed just as long as you use any of the prompts.

  • Can use more than one prompt in a story or art (just make sure you point out which prompts are used).

  • Keep it on the lowdown with the angst. This is supposed to be an uplifting/fun challenge and don't need to be bummed out with a whole angst piece.

  • You can post any time between now of the 20th till the 31st of Renji's actual birthday. If you still want to participate but will be late, you can still post till Sept. 3rd.

  • This isn't a contest and no prizes, just a challenge to get ppl more involved when they can on doing something for this pair.

  • Those that do participate, you will be able to use another banner that I had made up for this challenge stating that you participated. But to only those that participate!

  • A HUGEHUGE thank you to the_z for taking on my commission to make the banner for the bday challenge. I gave her the idea and liked it so much that she wanted to animate it. For those that don't know, I had Rukia doing a Marilyn Monroe skit of her own version of "Happy Bday Mr. President."

    These prompts can be used for both fanart and fics and can be G rated on up to NC-17. If you feel a little put off cause of the recent hoo haa with LJ, you can upload smutty art to wherever you want, just throw the link out. Put whatever warnings you feel comfortable with. I know I for one would love to see more smut from fics to art of this pair.

    Here are the prompts:

    Desk (anywhere)
    Office (anywhere though Bya's would be hilarious)
    Closet (school, cleaning closet in SS, etc)
    Hot Spring
    Getting drunk/drinking
    Phone sex
    Food play
    Sex out in public/the idea of getting caught in the act
    Always and forever
    Because of you
    Into the sunset
    Wishing you were here (caveat: no angst)
    In the heat of the night
    A single gesture
    Lost for words
    As long as you're mine
    Our own world
    Role play (ie the captain chastising the naughty lieutenant; if Renji, he could pinch one of Byakuya's cloaks, though it'd be a bit small; if Rukia, she could get Matsumoto to 'borrow' one from Hitsugaya for her, haha!)
    School kink (poor Ichigo, traumatized when he finds out how they're celebrating Renji's birthday in, oh, say a deserted stairwell. I can see this being used together with role play as well)

    Have fun and I hope everyone has the chance to participate!

    Will be x-posed like a MOFO.

    ETA: I made a list of all the entries which you can find here.
  • renji's birthday challenge '07

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