[admin] reminder of tomorrow's reveal

Apr 28, 2007 21:15

Just a reminder:

Tomorrow at or after 12 noon Eastern Daylight Time, you should log into your sockpuppet and put your names on your stories, both in the headers and in the remix author tag. To be clear, when editing the remix author tag, please leave the "remix author:" in place, but substitute your name for the sockpuppet name, e.g., I would go ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

shayheyred April 29 2007, 02:04:52 UTC
And thank YOU again. Every year I hit the point where I'm ready to chuck my remix into the garbage, and flounce off in a huff of "this is impossible!" but every year somehow things come together eventually and I end up okay. PLUS I get a nifty new remix written for me. So thanks again, for the crazy ride and the soft landing.


remixredux April 29 2007, 02:11:59 UTC
You're very welcome. I'm glad you participate and stick it out, and also that you're always ready to pinch hit. Thanks.


housepiglet April 29 2007, 08:25:01 UTC
I haven't participated but I've been reading avidly, and I wanted to thank you too :)

Thank you!


musesfool April 29 2007, 17:34:53 UTC
I'm so glad you're enjoying the stories.


bluflamingo April 29 2007, 16:28:17 UTC
OK, I feel like an idito, but I've deleted the email with the password for the sock puppet I'm attached to. Is there any chance you could send it to me again - it was dangermars and my email is echidna120@hotmail.com. Thank you!


musesfool April 29 2007, 17:30:37 UTC
I just emailed it. Let me know if you don't get it.


bluflamingo April 29 2007, 22:00:50 UTC
Got it, thanks! And also just noticed that I apparently can't spell idiot, which is possibly the more worrying of the two events - it's been a long week :)


see you in Feburary! danniisupernova August 12 2007, 18:40:33 UTC
Your Name: Julia (danniisupernova)
Your email address: sushi_mafia@hotmail.com
Your website/fic index: http://community.livejournal.com/sprnova_fixxx
Fandoms in which you've written more than five (5) 500 word stories: Firefly, Veronica Mars, X-Men Movieverse, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes
Top Three Fandoms you'd like to write in: Veronicca Mars, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica
Other fandoms I would write in: Buffy, Angel, X-Men Movieverse
Past fandoms in which you no longer write: None
Safe Story: Today You Love, Tomorrow the World
Remix(es) Written: None
Stories of yours remixed in past remixes: None
Pinch hit? Yes


Nike Air Max anonymous April 15 2010, 08:27:59 UTC
What a great post! Just one suggestion:If you add some pics, it would be easiler to follow!
by Nike Air Max


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