Title: Future Imperfect (The Day Will Explode)
florahartSummary: It's been a long time, and Obi-Wan could use the company. But it also can't happen again.
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Bail Organa
Rating: Hard R
Disclaimer: Lucas's baby, not mine.
Original story:
When Day Explodes by Amy Fortuna (
Future Imperfect (The Day Will Explode) )
Comments 2
Oh. My. God. So, so lovely. You've taken my innocent little story and given a half-twist by the throat and yet your story still matches up perfectly with mine.
This works in so many ways. Obi-Wan and Bail, with a sense of the unspoken history they have between them, and the two different perspectives (my story Bail's, yours Obi-Wan's), singing in harmony.
Bail Organa has always struck me as someone who would just have to have stupid amounts of hope and belief, and at the time I wrote When Day Explodes, I had no idea what other characteristics to assign to him. You come at Future Imperfect from the far darker place where we left Episode 3, and yet this works so well -- Bail doesn't seem silly for his hope, and Obi-Wan doesn't seem dour for his cynicism.
Thank you so much. This is amazing.
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