Deadly Commoners' Game (ch1)--Ouran/Jumanji crossover

Feb 01, 2011 12:28

Title: Deadly Commoners' Game
Author: Reidluver
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club, Jumanji
Pairing/Characters: All Host Club members
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Intense danger and emotional scenes

Summary: In an effort to understand more of a commoner's lifestyle, Tamaki invites the Host Club members to the school to play an old board game that he found. Too bad this game fights back . . .

Chapter 1: No Ordinary Game
The setting sun cast a warm glow into Music Room Three. It was late in the afternoon on a Saturday, when Ouran was typically devoid of life. However, on this particular Saturday-

"Why are we here?" the twins whined. They were sitting on the couch, adorned in jeans and a blue, long-sleeved shirt with a purple vest. "We were just about to beat the twelfth level of our newest video game."

"I was going to make dinner," Haruhi mumbled. She smoothed out a crease in her pink, frilly shirt and sighed. Weekends were the only time she had any freedom from the Host club. The twins had come to her house a few minutes ago and "kidnapped" her (again), saying that Tamaki had called an emergency meeting at the school. Being who he was, it was no problem to get them into the school after hours.

Pushing that irritant aside, Haruhi was frustrated at having been caught in such "girly" clothes. She never cared about what she wore, seeing as how she felt worrying about such superficial things were a load of rubbish. However-she didn't feel comfortable with the way some of the boys acted around her when she wore feminine clothes. Mainly Tamaki. It was as if wearing them reminded all the boys that she was, in fact, a girl and they suddenly had to act different.

Well, it wasn't too different from the way they always treated her-in fact, there wasn't any difference at all, really. It's just that whenever Tamaki gave her this certain look, it always made her feel hot and clammy and nervous. Like she was sick or something. Why was that?

"We were sparring at our dojo!" Honey exclaimed, disrupting her train of thought.

"And you found the time to change?" Haruhi asked, pointing to their apparel. Honey had brown pants and a white collared shirt, while Mori had deep navy jeans with a striped, blue unbuttoned shirt with a white tank top underneath.

Honey just smiled. "Why not?" Haruhi simply sighed. Damn rich people! They care so much about their appearances. She turned her attention to the last member of the group.

"And what were you doing, Kyoya-senpai?"

The boy in question pushed up his glasses and emitted an evil, dark aura at everyone. "I was resting," he growled. His hair was tousled and the green polo underneath his jacket was rumpled.

"Looks like you had a nap," Hikaru teased, slinging an arm around Kyoya's neck.

"Probably explains why he's so grouchy," Kaoru added, doing the same on the opposite side of Hikaru.

"Isn't that adorable?" the two of them cooed, pinching Kyoya's cheek.

"Get. Off." Kyoya shoved them off forcefully and tried to regain his composure. He smoothed his hair back and straightened his shirt. "Tamaki pulled me out of bed and drove me here, saying it was an emergency. And then he left, saying he had to go prepare something for us."

"What I'd like to know is why we had to come here to hear or see whatever it is," Hikaru said. The twins had resumed their place on the couch.

"It's probably something really stupid," Kaoru said. "Our lord most likely has another 'brilliant' plan-"

"Hey guys!" They all turned their attention towards the prep room. Tamaki was standing before them, clad in some sort of safari clothing, complete with a hat. In his left hand he was holding some sort of thin, ornate box. "Thank you all for coming here."

"What's all this about, boss?" the twins asked.

Tamaki chuckled. "Why-I'm so glad you asked! I asked you all here . . . to play a commoners' game!" With great flourish, he held out the box for everyone to see.

". . . Jumanji?"

"Isn't it great? I recently bought this box full of old French antiques, and it had this in it! So beautiful, isn't it? The game was practically calling to me!" His voice dropped to a whisper and he leaned in close. "I could swear I heard drums from it!"

The six other Host members sighed collectively. "That's not even possible, my lord," the twins said.

"Commoners wouldn't be able to make something as advanced as that," Kyoya pointed out. Haruhi glared at him as he adjusted his glasses.

"Why couldn't we play this at your place, Tama-chan?" Honey asked. "Why bother coming to the school?"

"Because we could come here and dress up!" Tamaki protested, pointing to his get-up.

"Not gonna happen," they all protested.

Before Tamaki could respond, Kyoya spoke up. "Are you sure this was among French antiques?" He had opened the game and was glancing over the instructions.

Tamaki folded his arms with a huff. "Of course I am! Why do you ask?"

Kyoya sighed. "Because these instructions are written in English."

"Really?" Everyone leaned in closer. Despite not being one to enjoy board games, Haruhi was impressed. It was beautiful in its own way, looking to be carved by hand.

"Well, it sure looks like an antique," Hikaru said, examining the dice. The white had long since grown yellow and the edges were worn.

"A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind . . . Adventurers beware. Do not begin unless you intend to finish. The consequences of the game vanish only when a player has reached Jumanji and called out its name," Kyoya read.

"Sounds rather foreboding for a simple board game," Haruhi said. For some reason, the warning gave her the creeps.

"Who cares?" Honey said, smiling broadly. "It sounds fun! Let's play!"

"Why not?" Hikaru sighed.

"We're already here," Kaoru finished.

"There are four pieces," Kyoya said. "We'll need to-"

"Don't worry!" Tamaki pulled Haruhi towards him. "Haruhi will play with Daddy, Mommy can be alone, Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai can be together, and then the twins can be on the last team!"

"Hold on! Why do you get to be with Haruhi, boss?" the twins said.

"Because it's only natural for a daughter to want to be on a team with her Daddy!"

"But that's not-"

"Can't we just play?" Haruhi interrupted, her patience too thin to deal with an argument at the moment. The twins looked slightly put out while Tamaki looked ready to burst into tears of joy.

"So you do want to play with me!" He tried to hug her but Haruhi held out a hand.

"Not really, senpai. I just want to get this game over with so I can go home and finish dinner," she replied in her deadpan voice. Tamaki clutched his heart while the twins broke into laughter at his expense.

Kyoya picked up the four playing pieces and held them over the board. "It seems we place them-" Suddenly the pieces fell out of his hands and zoomed into the four corners as if by magic. All the Host Club members stared at the board in shock.

"Rather high-tech for a commoner's game," Kaoru said. He reached out to try and pick one up but it wouldn't budge. "What the hell?" He tried harder but was unable to make it move an inch.

"It's probably using some type of magnetic force," Kyoya said. "You might break it, so please stop struggling."

"But how are we supposed to move the pieces?"

"Let's just see what happens," Tamaki said. "We call the white rhino!"

"Monkey!" the twins said.

"Black elephant!" Honey giggled.

"Well then, I guess that leaves me with the alligator," Kyoya said.

"Let's go first, Haruhi!" Tamaki said. He handed her the dice. "Do you want to roll first?" Haruhi shrugged.

"You can do it, senpai."

"Here goes!" Tamaki dramatically shook the old dice in his hands and then let go. "Five." Suddenly, the white rhino started moving on its own, slowly moving forward five spaces.

"That's pretty advanced for such an old game," Haruhi said.

"I agree. The dice are most likely weighted, with sensors in them to tell the game which side it landed on," Kyoya mused.

"There's something written in the middle!" Everyone leaned in close as the words magically appeared.

"This will not be an easy mission," Tamaki read, stumbling a little over the English. "Monkeys slow the expedition."

"So what, does that mean you go back a few spaces?" Hikaru asked. Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the prep room, followed by the unmistakable shriek of a monkey. Wordlessly, the Host Club rushed towards the room and threw open the door. To their amazement, there were an odd number of red monkeys running about, making an entire mess of things. They tore the costumes that had been stored away for safe-keeping, knocked over the chairs, and broke the light bulbs.

"Get out of here!" Tamaki yelled, swatting them away. All the monkeys turned to face him before pouncing in one swift motion. They pulled at his hair and his clothes while chattering away. Hikaru and Kaoru were besides themselves with laughter as the rest ran forward to help him. It wasn't an easy task. The monkeys were very upset about being disrupted from their fun and started attacking everyone else.

"AHHHHHH! They're everywhere!" Haruhi yelled, covering her head.

Mori grabbed the one tugging at his hair and glared at it. The creature wilted from the look and whimpered an apology. The senior smiled and glanced up towards the others. "STOP!" he yelled. All the monkeys immediately froze at the sound of Mori's voice.

"Be nice." After a moment they all calmed down and even started hugging the Host they had been previously traumatizing.

"They're actually pretty cute!" Honey said, hugging two of them and swinging them around.

"I guess so," Haruhi said. One of them nuzzled her cheek and she was unable to keep herself from giggling. Hikaru and Kaoru rushed forward and started playing with a monkey of their own.

"Wow, boss! I can't believe you really went this far!" the twins laughed.

Tamaki paused scratching a monkey behind its ear. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Come on, you obviously played this game before and figured out all the plays."

"Then you went and rented these monkeys to make the game more authentic."

"No, I didn't!" Tamaki said. "I swear I've never played this game before! The monkeys must have come out of the game!"

The twins laughed. "What-do you honestly believe that? It's impossible!"

"It's a pretty cool trick though," Honey said. "These guys are cute." The two monkeys with him chattered in agreement.

"Shall we return to the game?" Kyoya suggested, idly petting the head of the monkey on his arm.

"But I swear I didn't plan this!" Tamaki protested. All of the others ignored him and walked over to the game, except for Haruhi. As silly as Tamaki was, it really seemed like he was telling the truth. Yet perhaps he just wanted to give everyone a good time and he thought by denying it things would be more interesting.

Haruhi gave him a big smile. "How about we just go and join everyone?" All protesting thoughts were immediately erased from Tamaki's mind and he boldly agreed.

"So, I suppose it's my turn then?" Kyoya rolled the dice and the alligator moved four spaces.

"I wonder what else will come, eh, Tono?" Hikaru teased, lightly jabbing him.

Tamaki folded his arms with a huff. "If you're not going to believe me then fine! Just wait until something scary comes out! Then you'll be sorry."

"Sure. Whatever." Hikaru and Kaoru rolled their eyes.

"At night they fly, you better run, these winged things are not much fun," Kyoya read.

"What do you think that means?" There was another crash from the prep room, followed by the fluttering of wings.

"I guess we're about to find out."

With a loud screech, an army of bats swooped in and encircled them. Then they started attacking without warning. Everyone screamed and covered their heads. Mori tried swatting them away, but they were too fast. The monkeys then leapt off their respective Host Club member and chased after the bats, shrieking along with them.

"Wow-they're fighting them off!" Honey said. He gazed at the monkeys with wonder.

"Someone open the doors!" Tamaki ordered.

The twins rushed towards the main door and yanked them open, just in time. Once the last bat and monkey passed through the door Hikaru and Kaoru slammed them shut.

"Man, that was so cool!"

"Boss, you're doing a great job at keeping this game interesting!"

Tamaki looked affronted. "How many times do I have to keep telling you? I'm not doing this! I swear!"

"I think he's telling the truth, guys," Haruhi said. She stood up beside Tamaki. "Think about it, he's been with us the whole time. How could he release the bats and monkeys from over here at the exact same time the game mentions them? There is no way Tamaki-sempai is able to do something like this."

"So does that mean that they're really coming out of the game?" Honey asked. He clutched Usa-chan in fear of the thought.

"Well . . . I-I don't know about that," Haruhi said quickly, "but there's most likely someone playing a trick on us or something."

Kyoya adjusted his glasses and said, "Haruhi is right. If it's not Tamaki, then there is most likely someone else letting all the animals loose and trying to scare us."

"You sure it's not the game?" Honey and Tamaki whispered.

Kyoya nodded. "It's scientifically impossible for anything-much less animals-to come out of a game. This is a simple board game made by commoners."

"I agree with Kyoya," Tamaki began, "and I think that we should look for those responsible before continuing any further-"

"Too late!" the twins laughed. Hikaru snatched up the dice and rolled, causing the monkey piece to go forward three spaces.

"You idiots!" Tamaki yelled, grabbing the twins by their collars. "What if something dangerous is rolled?"

"Relax, boss," the twins sighed. "Where would the people playing a trick on us be able to keep anything too dangerous?"

"His fangs are sharp, he likes your taste, your party better move post haste." Everyone was silent for a few moments, all of them dreading the implications of that comment.

"See?" Hikaru said. "Nothing has come, s-so there's no need to-" There was a low growl by the couch behind them and they all froze, hardly daring it was possible. Only when the growl became a resounding roar did they turn around.

Slowly emerging from behind the couch was a massive lion, his shiny coat gleaming in the afternoon sun. His legs were wide and bulky, just perfect for pouncing on unsuspecting prey, and when he roared they could see each sharp tooth, just the right size for ripping a person to shreds.

"D-D-Don't move," Tamaki whispered. "M-Maybe he's friendly? Like a t-tame lion?" The lion squashed that hope by jumping through the air towards them. The Host Club members screamed in fright and ran away. Mori and Honey flipped out of the way, and once they landed, nodded at each other and charged towards the lion.

Honey leapt into the air to deliver a spinning kick, but the lion simply swiped a paw almost as big as Honey and sent him flying. It was all he could do to prevent himself from being scratched.

"Mitskuni!" Furious, Mori tried to charge head-on, but the lion seemed to be more adept at fighting, as if it had years of experience. It plowed its head into Mori's chest and sent him flying into one of the walls. Then the lion jumped in front of the main doors. Those trying to escape skid to a halt and ran in different directions.

"Wait!" Tamaki yelled. "We have to stay together!" The lion surveyed the three different groups before choosing his prey. Within seconds, Kyoya was trapped in one of the corners with no way out.

"KYOYA!" The normally calm and collected Shadow King stared at the lion in absolute terror. His breaths came out in short, wheezing gasps and beads of sweat trailed down his face. He pushed himself into the corner so tightly it looked like he was trying to mold with it. Kyoya's legs shook so fast it was a wonder he was standing up at all. Whether he was scared from the lion standing before him or the proof that the game most likely was alive, Kyoya only knew one thing-

There was a good chance he was going to die.

Something snapped and Kyoya suddenly remembered the new policy his guards had enacted a week ago, in response to a recent kidnapping on the news. At that moment the lion started to charge, and Kyoya reached into an inside pocket of his jacket.

Everyone watched in shock as Kyoya withdrew a pistol from his jacket and started firing. His face was scrunched up with a mixture of terror and anger, and he yelled incoherently. He fired shot after shot at the lion, even after it was obviously dead. Once he was out of rounds, Kyoya gasped and fell to his knees as he dry heaved.




They all rushed to his side. Tamaki immediately knelt and placed his hands on the frightened boy's shoulders. "Kyoya, listen to me! Snap out of it!" Kyoya slowly lifted his head and locked gazes with Tamaki. The Host King's heart clenched at the raw fear in Kyoya's eyes, it shining brightly behind his rare tears.

"Why don't you give that to me?" Tamaki asked gently, trying to pry the empty gun out of Kyoya's hands. The dark-haired boy resisted for a moment, then gave it up. Tamaki quickly tossed it off to the side and threw his arms around Kyoya, rubbing small circles into his back. "It's all right," he whispered. Tamaki himself was still in shock. For a moment there, it really looked like his best friend was about to die. Kyoya was the first friend he had made in Japan, and one could argue that he was the first real friend he ever made. Because of his mother's sickness, Tamaki only had enough time for acquaintances instead of actual friends.

Despite the rather rough start they had, Tamaki just knew that Kyoya was the perfect friend. He couldn't explain why he knew-he just did. It was the same with the other Host Club members. Tamaki somehow knew that each of them were special, that they were all suffering as he was and just needed a good friend. Having to be faced with the fact that one of them was going to die hurt Tamaki more than anything. He silently cursed himself for bringing this horrible game and forcing it upon them all.

Kyoya's mind was still numb, but he was slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. He could tell that Tamaki was hugging him, and while he would normally shove him off in disgust, this time he welcomed it. His body was still recovering from the shock of almost becoming a lion's next meal. Kyoya embraced Tamaki back just as tightly, once again grateful to be blessed with a friend like him (not that he'd ever admit it).

"I-I'm okay," Kyoya said. Tamaki let go and then offered a warm smile, which Kyoya returned.

"Kyo-chan!" Honey rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Kyoya's neck as tears fell down his face. "I was so worried!"

"Thanks, but I'm all better now, honest." The small senior let go and nodded, wiping the tears as he did so. The twins then stepped forward, looking more ashamed than they ever had in their entire life.

"We're so sorry!" they cried, now taking their turn to pounce on Kyoya.

"I'm so sorry for rolling the lion!"

"And I'm sorry for thinking this was a joke!"

Ordinarily, Kyoya would be rather annoyed with them as well, but he could tell they felt guilty about something out of their control, so he might as well humor them. So instead of glaring at them, Kyoya just patted their heads.

"I don't blame you." Now Haruhi stepped forward.

"Are you really all right, Kyoya-senpai?"

Really, how many times did he need to say it? Kyoya's patience was running thin. "I told you, there's no reason to worry."

Haruhi nodded. It apparently was good enough for her. "So, why did you have a gun anyway?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah-my guards believed that it would be wise for me to walk around with extra protection, just in case I found myself in a compromising situation and they aren't able to help." Kyoya glanced towards the gun contemplatively. "I'm starting to think they deserve a little bonus with their next paycheck."

"Well, that's something you don't see every day," Hikaru said.

"Kyoya-sempai actually giving money away like that," Kaoru added.

Kyoya raised an eyebrow. "I assure you that it only goes to people who deserve it."

"Let's bring you over to the couch so you'll be more comfortable," Tamaki said. He held out a hand for Kyoya. The boy took it gratefully and stood. Kyoya took a step forward but stumbled, his legs still a little wobbly. Mori and Tamaki quickly grabbed an arm and guided him towards the couch. Kyoya couldn't help but notice Mori's grip was tighter than it needed to be, and the senior looked at him in concern. He said nothing, but Kyoya was touched by his consideration all the same.

"I'll put the game away!" Honey announced happily, running towards the fallen board. He picked up the scattered dice and threw them onto the game board and closed it up. While he was doing that, the twins and Haruhi adjusted the furniture that had been knocked over. Once the room looked normal (other than the dead lion in the other corner) they all sat down in exhaustion.

"I can't believe these things are actually coming out of the game," Tamaki said softly, glancing at the board. They all eyed it with fear.

"But how can something like that even be possible?" Haruhi asked. "There has to be a logical explanation for this. You sure it's not just someone playing a joke on us?" She ignored the feeling in her chest. Usually she listened to her gut feeling, but there was no way it could be right this time, right? It had to be affected by fear. There was no way what Tamaki had suggested was true.

Kyoya opened his mouth, but before he could speak there was a loud buzzing noise, like a swarm of wasps. They all whipped around and stared in horror at the sight of six or so enormous bugs heading their way. In one motion they all ducked down, causing the insects to pass them by.

"Did someone roll?" Kaoru yelled.

Honey gasped and ran towards the game. He yanked it open and stared in shock at the elephant piece. "I should have been more careful the way I threw the dice in!" Tears welled up in his eyes and he hugged Usa-chan so tightly it looked like the bunny would pop. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's all right, Honey-senpai," Haruhi said kindly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"We'll just have to deal with them," Mori said. He grabbed a chair leg and snapped it off, ending with an oddly shaped club. He then took off another one and tossed it to Honey. "I'll need your help, Mitskuni."

"Got it." Honey's eyes narrowed and he tossed Usa-chan onto the couch where he'd be safe. Haruhi was amazed at how he was able to transform from the sobbing child into a hardened warrior in a manner of seconds.

"Here they come!" Hikaru cried. Everyone tensed as the mosquitoes positioned themselves for another attack.

How is it so far? I got the idea after watching the movie a little while ago-at the very end there are two French girls walking along the beach and they could hear the drums from the game. And so-this idea was born! Tamaki is part French, and it's very likely that he would think something like that was interesting.

And I'm incredibly sorry if the gun thing seemed too out there. This is Ouran...

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fanfiction, deadly commoners' game, ouran, crossover

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