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Comments 30

wordsalone October 16 2010, 12:50:25 UTC
Hellcats-I don't really like Vanessa and I usually fast forward through all of her scenes. Marti, I love you but you are an IDIOT. Not only did you make the wrong decision, but you deprived us of more Gale time! Not cool.

Glee-I haven't completely watched the last two episodes, but I really like Sam. He is the most precious. I'm looking forward to the Rocky Horror ep with all of my heart.

Community + Modern Family-Always flawless.


reeface October 16 2010, 15:03:40 UTC
Yeah, I really only watch the Vanessa scenes where she interacts with the girls. Otherwise, fast-forwardville. Yawn. And such word on Marti. Love you, but you frustrate me. And my Gale lovin' heart.

Sam is so precious! I want my own Sam ASAP. I'd prolly be looking forward to the Rocky Horror ep more if I'd seen the movie, but still am jazzed.

They are golden. GOLDEN I SAY. Which makes me wonder why finding good icons for them is so freakin' hard. :|


(The comment has been removed)

reeface October 16 2010, 15:05:25 UTC
There totally is! I want them together so bad. Got my fingers crossed it happens. Srsly. My fingers hurt, I've got 'em crossed so hard.


nolyana October 16 2010, 18:51:21 UTC
Alas, it ain't so!! Here:


But, who knows! Maybeeeeeee!! ;)

OMG, GALE!!! *looks at teh shiny*


reeface October 18 2010, 08:37:40 UTC
Ah, poop. Well, the kid's cute, so hopefully I'll like him. And, hey, like you say, never know! I wouldn't doubt the show brought the new kid in and still had Kurt hook up with Sam, just to keep us on our toes. ;)



LEWTI! colleen2328 October 16 2010, 13:13:40 UTC
\o/ LEWTI! \o/ * does the underpants dance cheer routine*

Gale made the most of that scene. Purdy hair, too. That's gone largely unnoticed, oddly enough.

Vanessa is the lamest authority figure. Oh well, she's pretty. She was good in "Dreamgirls." Here, I only like her when she's with D. B. Woodside. Julian needs to go Alpha Male "priorities/3 Strikes/career/[insert Star Trek reference]" all over Vanessa as well as Marti.

FanFri: Sawyer'd be all "SonuvaBITCH I'm stuck on an island again!"
My list: Rush (SGU), Prof. Parrish, Sawyer, Abed, & Sue Sylvester *fur flies*


Re: LEWTI! reeface October 16 2010, 15:20:15 UTC
Don't forget your big ole cheezer smile, lol!

Oh, god. You're right. I'm already starting to take the hair for granted. Bad, Ree, bad! *pets it* So pretty.

Vanessa: I was already pretty :| about her, but it's sinking into >:| now. Not even beautiful D.B. makes her more interesting to me, woe.

. Julian needs to go Alpha Male "priorities/3 Strikes/career/[insert Star Trek reference]" all over Vanessa as well as Marti.

I'm gonna be daydreaming about that all day now. <3 (You added the ST reference! Love!)

Sawyer, lol. Dude. That list of yours rocks aldfkja. I would totally watch that island! I've already got 1o3943293298 scenarios running in my head with them all, lol. First up: Sawyer giving everyone nicknames!


Re: The Island Redux colleen2328 October 17 2010, 04:44:09 UTC
I can has new list?
Fa'ad (Running Wilde), Ben Linus, Raj (TBBT), Lisa Brigosa (Yara's "Brains of the Nuyorican Narcotraficantes" character from "CSI: Rotten Apple" last night) & Randy Warhol


Re: The Island Redux reeface October 18 2010, 08:39:25 UTC
HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH SUCH BRILL LISTS?! (Though I gave up on CSI so no idea on that character, d'oh.)


mitakay October 16 2010, 14:04:50 UTC
ITA with everything you said about Gale. There was just something about the way the sunlight hit his face....**sigh**


reeface October 16 2010, 15:23:40 UTC
Yesssss. It was all *makes him glow*. Guh guh guh.


aurora_84 October 16 2010, 14:32:13 UTC
OH BRITTANY. :( :( (The lack of Puck is NOT ON.)

I really want him with Kurt, but eh. I might like the S/Q if they go that way.
That's how I feel about it too. Clearly they should clone him so that both Kurt and Quinn get a Sam of their own.

Him yelling at my Brittany like it was her fault he thought with his dick and didn't wait, I dunno, more than two hours for true love that night? Giant douche.
SO MUCH RAGE. Stop making it as if she violated you, asshole!

PRETTY MUCH! ♥ (I've never actually seen A13, but I got most of the references. Question: was the opening scene an allusion to A13 as well?)

Evol!Daniel is so much more fun.
He is! I feel bad for him, but I'm also enjoying his descent into horribleness. Yay for Sam and Amanda! (Ahaha, is his husband truly named Larry??)


reeface October 16 2010, 15:37:31 UTC
I felt so bad for her! Everyone just dropped her and, really, no one should have to meatball alone. :((

It'd be like Glee to suddenly have Sam's twin show up and Kurt could be all "MINE!". ;D

Such an asshole. GRRRRR. I've forgotten what it's like to actually like him anymore.

The meeting wasn't (that I remember), but the running down the hall shot at that angle definitely was. :D

He's totally named Larry. It makes my head hurt. :\


aurora_84 October 17 2010, 13:45:39 UTC
no one should have to meatball alone. :((
TRUE. It's like the ultimate expression of sadness. It'd be like Glee to suddenly have Sam's twin show up and Kurt could be all "MINE!". ;D

He's totally named Larry. It makes my head hurt. :\
Maybe it's short for an epic Tauron name? Larrinius? :P


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