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Comments 47

juliedarling May 18 2009, 12:24:07 UTC
OMG THAT WAS MISS PATTY! \O/ I did not even recognize her.

Was bummed about the lack of Galeness as well. The whole storyline with Immigration prioritizing some dude from Canada whose green card expired like a week ago is so ridonkulous. The U.S. is full of illegals who have been here for years and are out there committing actual crimes, and it still takes Immigration forever to swoop in with the handcuffs. BUT LET'S GO AFTER THE ART TEACHER FROM CANADA IN THE SUBURBS. :|

Wikipedia tells me that Felicity Huffman is 46, and the show aged the actresses an extra five years, so I am having a difficult time with this whole pregnancy thing. As much trouble as Lynette has had with all those kids, you can't convince me she wouldn't have an iron-clad method of birth control at this point.


reeface May 18 2009, 13:29:13 UTC
AHAHAHAHA TOTALLY. Those Canadian art teachers, I tell ya. They always get bumped up to the top of the dangerous list.

The age thing doesn't really bother me. My own family has a regular history of getting preggers late in life. :| But, yeah, the birth control thing is another matter. Though considering how often she and Tom got busy during the Month o' Sex while she was barely conscious from exhaustion/boredom, heh, doesn't surprise me. I forget what kind of cancer she had. Maybe they'll write in that she figured she'd be sterile after the chemo/radiation and went off the pill or such. Though her doctor doesn't seem all that shocked when he tells her the news. Hmn.


colleen2328 May 18 2009, 13:13:55 UTC
Ooo the whole set of adorkable faces of orange-clad prison phone sex. Then, Despergale (genius name, btw, SO much better than Desperate Fashion Victim) kicks off the phone tree, "Marc sez wear orange for the finale. Pass it on!!" And sooo many of them could not wear tangerine. Now I'm thinking about Oz. 3-way with Keller & Whatsisname! *senior moment*

And my mind totally went to Gale in the cliffhanger, too. What a lovely couple they make (surrounded by bridesmaids in kumquat chiffon, of course).


reeface May 18 2009, 13:35:48 UTC
OMG. BRB. Imagining Jackson in Oz now. ...okay, am back. HE WOULD SO NOT SURVIVE LONG. D: But he'd rock that orange suit something fierce on that first day he arrived!


meloncreme May 18 2009, 13:22:49 UTC
Cause I'm lame and haven't watched ANY of the new gale dh eps, yet. *slaps self*

Just felt like commenting. =_=


reeface May 18 2009, 13:38:57 UTC
OMG WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THE GALE, HE CALLLLLS TO YOUUUUU. There's not much screentime overall, but any Gale is good Gale. ;)

Aww, and I'm glad you did. :X


meloncreme May 18 2009, 13:43:35 UTC
Why, it's just too hard to follow this & that.
But I KNOW. DH IS A MUST CAUSE IT'S GALE. GALEGALEGALE. Gah, but I'd feel so lost. I stopped watching after ep 9. Should I watch it in order or just watch it for the gale? xD


reeface May 18 2009, 13:48:10 UTC
IMO, you could totally watch just the Gale eps and not be all that lost with the other storylines, especially if they have the "previously on DH..." still attached. :P But, yeah, if you're a fan of the show itself, best to be watching all the eps. ;)


litlemspowerful May 18 2009, 13:30:45 UTC
HAHA! Gyrrrrrrrl, U CWAZY! :D


reeface May 18 2009, 13:41:49 UTC
Only on days that end in y! :D


pclu2004 May 18 2009, 13:31:20 UTC
I guess orange is the new blue.
By the way--which of the women in that show are entitled to have a wedding complete with white gown and veil--just asking.


reeface May 18 2009, 13:43:39 UTC


colleen2328 May 18 2009, 14:16:17 UTC
Oh, thanks for reminding me of my favorite line from "Bull Durham": "We all deserve to wear white." Love that film!

But srsly, I think only Juanita and BobbleheadCelia would pass the test, lol.


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