Redwood Ranch's First Christmas Party!

Dec 18, 2012 22:25

I hosted the very first Redwood Ranch Christmas party last Saturday [on Beam's 3rd birthday, no less!]. It was Wonderful. Nerve-wracking. Fun. Entertaining. And I think an overall success ( Read more... )

redwood, training, gratitude, rally+obed

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Comments 8

3bluentru December 19 2012, 07:36:07 UTC
That's awesome. Wish I had the energy to do a party...but I DO know how mush work it is, and I'm well, hundreds of years older and slower than you!

A game Debbie Berkley had one year...everyone broght a wrapped gift, for dog or human. Debbie stacked them in the middle of the arena, and each DOG got to pick the gift the owner would get. The owner would lead the dog to the pile of gifts and the first one the dog touched, was the one they got.
It ended up being alot of fun.


redwoodranch December 19 2012, 19:56:43 UTC
That game sounds fun! Someday I'll have a Christmas party where dogs can come too, and I'll have to remember it!


nosemovie December 19 2012, 15:59:51 UTC
That sounds really really fun! *hey, I wasn't invited!!?? what gives??*

You're a doll for doing all that. And yes, you've created a community, and it's a very awesome thing.


redwoodranch December 19 2012, 19:57:07 UTC
You would've totally been invited had you been on FB ;)


nosemovie December 19 2012, 20:00:59 UTC
Pfff, if THAT's What it takes, nevermind.


yeehaneeha December 19 2012, 19:01:02 UTC
We always do a little party for our students too. We combined both classes and had goodies out in the cold. We played out own version of cpe's wild card, a stay game with sending challenges and everyone's favorite, the tunnel barrel racing. So fun and an awesome way for people to meet each other.


redwoodranch December 19 2012, 19:57:36 UTC
The classes are so separated, it is fun to see everyone get together :)


sclmarm December 20 2012, 01:52:51 UTC
I tried a clicker game with people and the group I had, it made them really uncomfortable. It was interesting to see. Sounds like you're people got it big time!

Tunnel barrel racing rocks! Our two classes pass each other, but they don't really have a chance to talk and really meet each other. I think this was our best holiday party yet. It's taken a while to really figure out how to do it.


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