hmm...I haven't really been feeling like updating lately, but oh well. Um...missed lots of school, have make up work, rehersals, shows, SATs today ew, and uh...beach tomorrow or later today? I dunno. all right tata!
So I've been out of school for 3 days now because I had oral surgery Monday and I can't eat or talk very well and I hafta have popsicles every 30 minutes to keep my mouth from swelling up like a balloon and such, so me and school wouldn't be mixing very well. Don't worry, it's nothing major, they had to remove a ruptures salivary gland or something
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yesterday sucked, but last night was fun. I went o see Strsky and Hutch with Hugh and Bob and Heather and then me and Hugh went to Denny's and then to his house for a little while. They are fun. :D
Woo! We reformatted my comp, and I lost my pics and music, but i got most of my pics back, and all my music was on cds anyway. And i hacked back into adobe, and now I need steve to wake up and send my kazaa lite, and then im set!
Whatever, stacey is happy, and that's what matter, i dunno why, but i dot hafta understand, i just hope he stopped being a fuck up when it comes to these sort of things. whatever, only one way to find out. I love stacey
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