Manip post: Nine/Rose and Ten Rose

May 31, 2015 23:30

Three manips I made for Doctor Who Secret Santa back in December! Click for full size.


notes: too long ago for notes. So long ago that all I can see are the mistakes! I still like how the Women Wept one came out though.

Betaed by the incomparable ascballerina!

-Faces from:
Caps by Emma Jane
or screencaps I made

-Unfortunately, I don't have sources for the bases. I'm pretty sure the first and last are stock images and the middle is a movie still.
Comments are always incredibly awesome and incredible!
(in general, I totally don't mind if people repost stuff I've made or use anything I've made for icons/banners/in other art/etc., just please credit me so other people can find it, don't use it for nefarious purposes (i.e. bashing other ships) and please ask first if you want to actually change anything.)

This entry has traveled in time from DW at: You can comment here or there using OpenID!

sharp sticks

character: 10.5, fandom: doctor who, het, i made art on the internet!, character: 9, character: rose tyler, internet art: dr. who

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