Wow. That's...something, I guess

Dec 13, 2012 00:33

So I sent an email off to tech support of my freshly dead hard drive, politely letting them know that the drive had failed and was still under warranty, expecting to get back RMA instructions ( Read more... )

wtf, pointless entry is pointless, at least my laptop loves me, wangst

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Comments 8

aralias December 13 2012, 09:54:04 UTC
this is rather brilliant.

and i'm impressed you even went to the trouble of following their instructions. my response, when greeted with that message would just be to say, yes, i've done than now. give me another drive.


redcirce December 20 2012, 06:54:00 UTC
I mean, really, what kind of people do they usually service?!?

I think I took it as some sort of threat to my manliness (despite not being a man) so I was determined to at least try to do it before telling them to go stuff it. Though it turns out those instructions aren't valid for my setup anyway. Sigh.


eloriekam December 13 2012, 22:46:52 UTC

Who made that drive, so I can avoid them forever?


redcirce December 20 2012, 06:58:53 UTC
OCZ, a pretty well known and supposedly reputable company!

I mean, I did appreciate that the customer service guy seemed to be pretty tech savvy and not reading from a script? It just would have been nice if he had asked about my skills first, or, you know, given me directions that would have worked with my setup before I spent 10 minutes tinkering with tin foil...


eloriekam January 23 2013, 02:15:03 UTC
I was going through my inbox to catch up on replies, but then I saw your icon, and all logical thought left me completely! Because guh and unf.

Err, I think I would have been telling the tech guy that I wasn't that tech savvy, even if I was happy he was comfortable with all the tech!


silverlunarstar December 22 2012, 19:08:20 UTC
There MAY be a problem... *headwall* Sometimes these people amaze me. And not in a good way. I'm sorry about your drive! :(


redcirce December 27 2012, 06:39:24 UTC
They finallllly let me send it back, which is good! Though I bet it will take them like 3 months to send me another one...


silverlunarstar December 27 2012, 18:45:39 UTC
Here's hoping it doesn't take too long!


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