Assorted Things

Mar 04, 2010 00:13

Some things!

+ Today was the first day same-sex couple could apply for marriage licenses in DC and I am pretty thrilled about that. Pictures!

- Class tonight was pretty much a disaster, but w/e, w/e one day until Spring Break.

+ Fangirls are awesome. I had dinner and beer with spiderwebb, cidercupcakes, and inlovewithnight and there was good conversation (and judging of random ( Read more... )

axis of emo, tyv, mcr, patd, thelike, btvs/ats

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Comments 22

kita0610 March 4 2010, 05:51:45 UTC
Angel and Buffy have superpowers that make them glow and become invincible. They celebrated by having sex. While flying. In the sky. Which caused a sonic boom. Because- no, I don't understand that part.

Also Angel may or may not be evil, and therefore it was totally ok for Buffy to have sex with S2-3 Spike. Or something.


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 05:58:18 UTC
I have seen discussion to that effect! But I really do feel like I'm missing something important. Of course, that something may be "knowledge of comics canon," which...yeah, fair enough. The glowing/flying/invincible part is a little O_o, though I can totally get behind the Buffy and Angel have sex part. I...*am* curious as to the current Angel characterization, though, because WHAT.


kita0610 March 4 2010, 16:49:02 UTC
I'm sure there's some big reveal coming. With heartbreak and misery. Hello Joss.


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 16:52:01 UTC
Well, of course. It wouldn't be the Jossverse without the pain.


impertinence March 4 2010, 05:55:08 UTC
I keep thinking maybe I should pick up the Buffy comics, but eh.

So many people seem to be having Buffy Renaissances recently. I APPROVE.


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 06:00:05 UTC
I feel the same way, but I was fairly happy with "Chosen," (relatively, given the way I feel about Joss's inability to ever stick the landing) so I never really needed or wanted more (that I couldn't get from fic anyway).

Me too! I have a friend who's been marathoning all of BtVS and AtS recently and oh show of my heart. I forget that sometimes, but it always reminds me.


egelantier March 4 2010, 06:11:32 UTC
BOB ;_____;

it's an interesting angle that brendon is sort of... on team reunion? at least most openly of all of them? hmmm.


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 06:28:39 UTC

At the very least he seems to have been the most "let's be adults about this" of all of them. Even in the beginning when there was all that passive aggressive tweeting from the other three and the Ryan&Spencer Battle of Petulant Interviews (like we were talking about yesterday, I don't really blame them and I think there's less of that now, but there was some for awhile) my impression (at least, and I admit I haven't read/watched every interview) was that there was a lot less of that from Brendon. I didn't know what to make of it at the time and I still don't, but yes, Brendon, it IS fun finding the past! Remember that!


egelantier March 4 2010, 06:32:16 UTC
iirc there was some snippiness - 'most fun i ever had on stage', something like that, i really tried not to read this period interviews too closely in case of something accidentally breaking my heart - but as of now he's sort the only one openly being upset, to a certain degree, about what happened - the blink comment, crying during northern downpour, now this. so i think brendon is one we should put our hopes on for Great Reunion Tour.

which, considering that main theory about the split is that This Band Is Too Small For Two Of Us, is weird but also pretty hopeful. come back, boooooooooys. have some fun separately and come baaaaaaaaaack.


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 06:41:55 UTC
That may very well be true - I didn't watch/read them that closely at the time for the same reason (I actually still have that problem sometimes). I remember my main impression was of quite a bit of snippiness coming from Spencer (which again, makes complete sense given the context), which in some cases Brendon actually attempted to mitigate, but there may have been more from Brendon than I'm remembering - and of course, probably interviews are up for interpretation. (Oh, RPF). You're right, though, that at this point he's the one who talks about it/seems to be affected by it.

...What Blink comment? and Oh *GOD* that Northern Downpour clip.

which, considering that main theory about the split is that This Band Is Too Small For Two Of Us, is weird but also pretty hopeful.That's really my main theory too, but I know that while some of that is based in what we know of canon tensions, some it probably just my OTP love combining with my intense need for angst. *g* But yes, I'm glad to have an excuse to hope, at least. You never know ( ... )


oddishly March 4 2010, 09:41:59 UTC
Brendon Urie, you are a balm to my soul.

I am pretty happy I live in a place with a solid fangirl network

Oh, I have such jealousy!!!!


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 16:05:27 UTC
Right? Now we just need some kind of *something* from the others.

The fangirl network really does make a difference. When I lived in New Orleans it was me and my then-girlfriend and...that was pretty much it. (There's one other bandom fangirl there who I know *of,* but I never met her). You'll be in Australia soon enough, though, right? <333


oddishly March 4 2010, 16:25:56 UTC
*counts down to Brendon's birthday*

You'll be in Australia soon enough, though, right?

This time in two weeks, I will have been on Australian soil for approximately four hours and forty eight minutes. THERE WILL BE WHOLE CONVERSATIONS ABOUT BANDOM ACROSS COFFEE. Conversations that do not start with 'So what do you write about?' and end with 'Can I read them?' and result in my wishing the other person actually got it. IT WILL BE AMAZING.

... no, I'm not excited about this, why do you ask? *g* Which, also, you know -- really, Hannah, why will you be still in America? IT IS SO FAR AWAY :( I feel it is MOST inconsiderate of the oceans not to, idk, rise up and deposit you in Melbourne also. (Selfish, what? ♥!)


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 16:31:21 UTC
There had BETTER be twitter interaction. Partly for the sake of narrative and partly because at this point I'm pretty sure if there's not it will hurt his feelings. :(

That sounds AMAZING. And hanging out with you guys in person would be so fantastic, omg, I'd love it so much. ♥ But Melbourne and Washington DC are SO VERY FAR APART.


harborshore March 4 2010, 12:14:39 UTC
Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit. *clings*


redbrickrose March 4 2010, 16:05:54 UTC
*hugs tight* I'm so sorry, bb. I know he's your favorite.


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