Free Association

Nov 13, 2007 23:22


I have been feeling very disconnected from fandom recently. This is mostly because I have been lurking in a fandom I am terrified of (that doesn't know I exist) while flailing at neverneverfic and giving lip service to my participation in SPN fandom. (It is a point of honor for me that I will someday finish SPN fic. I'm just not letting myself ( Read more... )

axis of emo, supernatural, fandom, fob, j2, fangirling_lestat, hooraythecobra, wishlist, fannish_promiscuity, patd, btvs/ats, pretending_people_care, full_of_fannish_glee

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Comments 65

kita0610 November 14 2007, 05:28:14 UTC
Can I mock you just a little for the Ashlee fucking Simpson reference? Please?

Ok, then, moving on. *sigh*

"Seriously, just talk to me about fandom. Please?"

So, this HP fic I am writing. Uhm. Genfic. AU. Nazis. Yeah. Help me, H, I've lost my godamned mind.


redbrickrose November 14 2007, 05:36:47 UTC
D, I have a Pete/Ashlee icon. I have not uploaded it. But I might.

I think it's too late for an intervention, but I have opened myself up to mocking, so feel free. I wouldn't blame you. Sometimes I stop and look at myself and think "how did I get here?"

HOWEVER. I would like to point out that you're writing HP au genfic about Nazis. And I can't help you when clearly I CAN'T EVEN HELP MYSELF. Of course, if anyone can pull that off brilliantly, it will be you. :)


kita0610 November 14 2007, 05:39:29 UTC
I feel like Ashlee could be one of the students. She'd make a brilliant NaziYouth. Well, maybe not. But she's rather Aryan looking. Especially with her new nose.


I dare you to write fic. I DOUBLE DOG DARE U.


redbrickrose November 14 2007, 05:52:53 UTC

I . . . kind of want to write dysfunctional Pete/Patrick. It would probably feature Ashlee as an example of how Pete has to have someone else to focus on sometimes so that Patrick doesn't snap and try to choke him up against a van again. HAHAHAHA I'VE LOST MY MIND TOO.

But first I am going to finish 1) one of my SPN fics 2) the J2 and 3) the ridiculous, overly self-indulgent Brendon/Ryan. And given how long it takes me to finish fic, it will take three years and I will have lost interest by then.


minim_calibre November 14 2007, 05:33:30 UTC
I, err. May have spent this evening looking at Those Pictures of Pete. I kept going back. And looking some more. And blinking. I don't normally think of that part of a man's anatomy as pretty. BUT. Yeah. Ahem.

Gunn and Wes are my OTP of Forever, because DUDE, GUNN AND WES.

I love that Patrick Stump is a big old dork with a voice that's basically sex on wheels.

I love that Dean Winchester is a big old dork with a face and body that match Patrick Stump's voice.

I kinda love Gerard Way's missing irony.


redbrickrose November 14 2007, 05:42:02 UTC
Those pictures are. Huh. And I love how he just kind of self-deprecatingly goes with the fact that he's infamous for being naked on the internet. Pete Wentz, I love you so much more than I should.

GUNN AND WES. YES. I especially loved them in s2. I wish we'd gotten some more emphasis on their friendship in s5, though. That was one thing that I wish had had more resolution.

I love that about Patrick too. And about Dean, though it would never have occurred to me to describe it that way.

Oh, how can you not love Gerard's missing irony. Really, starting a band to save the world should be the most pretentious thing EVER DONE. But he just means it so hard that it's completely endearing.


Thank you anonymous November 14 2007, 06:11:08 UTC
Um. The clip you linked just about made me cry. Yay for Pete kissing Patrick. I've rewatched it fifty times. I do agree about the whole Pete apatrick shiping thing which we've talked about about. And yes, Ashlee Simpson, I do hate her less in that context than in any other.

I think I'm going to start shipping Gabe and Pete hardcore because that relationship WOULD work.For me. And Gabe and Pete are my favorites except when Ryan or Brendon or Jwalk or Patrick or Joe are. So yeah. That would work for me. Yay bandom.
Distraction distraction.


Re: Thank you redbrickrose November 14 2007, 06:20:50 UTC

JACKI, JACKI. Lestat/Pete. THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING TO YOU. Ooooo. Or Ryan. Lestat would so fall in love with Ryan Ross.

I hate my brain right now. Or I really love it. One or the other.


Re: Thank you nojah November 14 2007, 07:45:33 UTC
omg you broke my brain hannah. :)



inlovewithnight November 14 2007, 06:48:26 UTC
The only thing bringing me joy in this dark time of term papers is Bruce Springsteen fandom, which is sort of like bandom only 30 years older.

If I knew how, I would rip the "Thundercrack" live performance video from the Born to Run anniversary edition and YouTube it, because it's exactly the kind of stuff that would be squee-inducing in bandom now, proving that musicians never change. I watched it three times tonight to keep from sobbing over my paper. Bruce gets all blissed-out on the music (or...well, something, it was 1975, after all) and he's swaying back and forth adn rocking out on his solo and Clarence has to *put his hand on Bruce's back* and hold him up so he doesn't just fall right over. Oh, my heart.

...I am a ginormous nerd. :\


redbrickrose November 14 2007, 06:57:04 UTC
I have been watching your glee! And quicknows picspams! And . . . kind of wishing I knew more about Bruce Springsteen because it definitely seems like bandom: old school.

(I never really knew much about Bruce Springsteen, but I totally bought his greatest hits a couple of months ago because of you guys. I like it! I probably should have told you that before. *g*)

You are a ginormous nerd. But we all are here! (Seriously,I just reference ASHLEE SIMPSON. WHAT?) I don't even know how to talk to people who aren't ginormous nerds anymore.


inlovewithnight November 14 2007, 07:00:16 UTC
TOTALLY bandom: old school. Just as dorky, even. :)

Heee, I'm glad you enjoyed the greatest hits thing. And we are successful in spreading our virus yet further! \o/

Ginormous nerd cabal for the win. I...need to sleep. Yes. ::twirls you::


redbrickrose November 14 2007, 08:09:23 UTC
Hooray for spreading fannish glee! *g*

*twirls with you*


elucidate_this November 14 2007, 06:58:33 UTC
Hannah I hate to squee harsh but reports from the barrier of that show say the kiss was on the cheek ( ... )


redbrickrose November 14 2007, 07:18:43 UTC
NOOO!!! Eh. That's okay. Patrick still flailed and stopped playing. SQUEE STANDS. *nods decisively*

I NEED THIS FIC STAT. OMG YES. Best label name ever!

I do not KNOW why you don't have a Cobra icon. Such things are necessary.


elucidate_this November 14 2007, 07:23:46 UTC
still totally squee worthy! totally.

&yes fic to come. I forgot to bring home my ergonomic keyboard so i'm not sure how much will get tonight, but yes. fic must be written.

also, i am on the hunt for an icon. thus far i have not found one that i adore enough (the problem with only having six slots is that each one feels SO IMPORTANT OMG)


elucidate_this November 14 2007, 07:58:06 UTC
okay, i have one. at least an interim one. hooray the cobra!


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