My Corner of Buffyverse Fandom and Welcome To It

Jun 21, 2021 15:22

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char: dawn summers, f is for feminist, sisters and other strangers, actor: sarah michelle gellar, fandom: btvs, art gallery, char: faith lehane, links, char: buffy summers, welcome post, women of the buffyverse, my flist is awesome, char: tara maclay, pairing: buffy/tara

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Comments 48

angearia June 21 2013, 20:44:23 UTC
Oh my goodness, I just fell into a meta-link spiral from days past. Fun! I love stumbling across new things, too, as well as the classics which are always worth another read. (And it's sometimes nice to re-read your own stuff from the distance provided by a few years gone by and think 'hey that was kinda insightful and well-said'.)

Also, not sure if you're familiar with aerintine/Jamie (she was leaving Buffy fandom around the time you were joining it), but she wrote an absolutely wonderful Buffy & Tara fic, Please Don't Forgive Me, which I just know you'd adore.

WAIT. I just scrolled down to the comments and I see YOU commenting on that fic. OF COURSE. That short little fic left such an impression on me that when I saw you talking about Buffy & Tara, I immediately thought of it.

(Wow, this post has now led to me looking into old meta posts and comments on my friends journals from, like, 2010.)


red_satin_doll June 22 2013, 00:18:08 UTC
Thanks so much hon for stopping by! Have you read my Buffy & Tara meta yet from the other day? I'm really very pleased with the response it's gotten. fray_adjacent even created some new female centric icons like the "Family" one I'm using right now. there are fans interested in the ladies, it's just so easy to fall into the same old riffs (ie Buffy & Spike, etc) Even I'm guilty of it.

I just scrolled down to the comments and I see YOU commenting on that fic. OF COURSE.

The funny thing is I'd forgotten that until just now - it was almost a year ago that I commented. (And I was the only person to comment - which proves my POINT! This cannot stand.) But I had forgotten about it, isn't that awful? I should do a Buffy & Tara rec list. It's hard ruuger asked for some recs on the subject a few months back and I didn't have much to offer. On AO3 when i put in Buffy/Tara I got 25 fics the other day. Put them in as individual characters and you get all the thousands of fics that happen to have both of them listed but don't necessary have them interacting ( ... )


angearia June 22 2013, 02:04:06 UTC
I haven't read it yet, alas! I've been a bit mentally exhausted, but it's on my list, it just my take me awhile. :)

The funny thing is I'd forgotten that until just now - it was almost a year ago that I commented. (And I was the only person to comment - which proves my POINT! This cannot stand.)

Thankfully, Jamie got loads of comments from the Bechdel Comment Ficathon where it was originally posted. And that's actually her first fic she'd ever written (and I remember tempting her into giving this a go? So part of me wants to TAKE CREDIT lol but no she's brilliant), so she might not have been on folks' radars yet. But still, it's glorious and more people should read it.

And I'm puzzled - "Tara and Spike" or "Tara/Spike" shows up a lot more in fandom

You know what, tho? I imagine that's because Tara and Spike were the partners on the receiving end of abuse (at least, if one fails to recognize how equally bad Buffy and Spike were to each other). So I imagine it's very much 'these two deserve better and they deserve better ( ... )


red_satin_doll June 26 2013, 00:21:41 UTC
I imagine that's because Tara and Spike were the partners on the receiving end of abuse (at least, if one fails to recognize how equally bad Buffy and Spike were to each other). Oh and THAT just puzzles me to no end. W/T does not = B/S, although the relationships are paralle, they are not the exact same power dynamic. I said a while back on one of my earlier metas that I thought the B/S relationship was mutually abusive (but they are both consenting participants in a very unhealthy dynamic); while Willow/Tara are coded as being somewhat more similar to the common cultural conception of abusive relationships: the stronger abuser/weaker victim scenario. (Which is true in many instances but is not the whole truth ( ... )


beer_good_foamy June 21 2013, 23:01:06 UTC
See, stuff like this is why you're awesome. I just hope to have a chance to dig into all the links I haven't already read (or written - thanks!)

I loved your Tara post, btw. I should probably add something more worthwhile than that, but I'm all brained out at the moment.

And the Dawn<->Riley (I wrote "Dawn/Riley" at first, which... yeeesh) parallels should definitely be explored. In a season about identity, Riley flunks out - goes from Reliable Cowboy Guy (always putting on an act) to nothing - and Dawn goes from nothing to Real.


red_satin_doll June 22 2013, 01:10:11 UTC
See, stuff like this is why you're awesome

Aww, hon, I am verklempt! *blushes* Just - that means a lot, seriously, coming from one of my fandom role models. (It's absolutely true.) I'm curious now as to how many of these links you haven't read - I suspect you're familiar with most if not all.

I loved your Tara post, btw. I should probably add something more worthwhile than that, but I'm all brained out at the moment.THANK YOU. I've got notes for an entire meta series about her but just doing that very first one took me weeks and about 5 drafts. I had no idea if there was any interest, how "political" should I get blah blah. The tone was really hard. And I don't really do "drafts" per se, like I do with fic, so I can't hand it off to a beta and say "help ( ... )


snogged June 22 2013, 01:24:07 UTC
I heart you. :)


red_satin_doll June 22 2013, 01:44:37 UTC
I heart back, sweetie! Oh, and congratulations on the SunnyD nominations! I rec'd "Live (Where you Are) on another post today:


eilowyn June 22 2013, 03:32:08 UTC
- I adore how you formatted this - it's an introduction and a links list in one!
- I'll be going through the links and watching Arrested Development tonight (that's an average Friday night for me - sigh), so expect comments and the occasional STEVE HOLT! shout out.
- I officially name comlodge Queen of Winged!Buffy Art. You can be her loyal handmaiden.
- Re: your last bullet point, I think you'll love this vid. I immediately thought of it when I read your B/F = B/S - sex equation, though my favorite version of "Creep" will always be my sister's. I kind of made a promise to rec her whenever possible.
- I have a meta coming I think you'll love. I actually thought of you while writing it. So if I don't post it this week, bug me about it.


red_satin_doll June 22 2013, 13:23:26 UTC
THANK YOU! MORE LINKS! SHINY! I'm really glad this works for you because it was really totally random in a way, I just sat and wrote at one go without any idea what I was doing. (Truth)

I've seen Brad's version a while back! We exchanged some very nice messages, he was very sweet. I haven't seen the other's though, so thank you, I always LOVE well-done video recs.

Your links are extremely timely b/c I was thinking about the Faith & Spike connection this morning a bit more; trying to decide if I should do a separate meta on that or make it a two-parter when I get to Who Are You in the Buffy & Tara series. (Which is really Tara plus Buffy plus sisterhood and motherhood metaphors etc.) What say you?

Also I'm trying to decide if I want to get my Dawn & Riley musings (with lanoyee ) out of the way first.
I may do just to get it out of the way and be done with it.

I officially name ( ... )


eilowyn June 22 2013, 15:43:47 UTC

I feel kind of bashful that I pimped my sister, but she is AMAZING and I want her version of "Creep" to put on a fanmix.

trying to decide if I should do a separate meta on that or make it a two-parter when I get to Who Are You in the Buffy & Tara series.

Ooh! Do Tara first! Spike and Faith get enough love as it is! They can wait patiently!

And you totally weren't harsh in the comment! I actually just put up a reply where I agree with you - Happy Family OT4 does usually center around Spike and his relationships with the girls in fic. I want some good fic from Tara's perspective now!


red_satin_doll June 23 2013, 01:00:48 UTC
I feel kind of bashful that I pimped my sister

No need to, she's very talented! And that's what family is for, isn't it? I liked the recording of the song at the West end festival a bit better, even though they are outside; I can hear her voice much better. Do they have a recording?

Ooh! Do Tara first! Spike and Faith get enough love as it is! They can wait patiently!

*nods* Excellent point.

I reread my other comment btw and I don't know why I thought I was harsh-sounding? I think it was because I got a message from someone else that I thought read harshly to my eyes and then I worried after the fact? I'm just - weird that way. but I glanced at your comments and 100% on ALL of it, so I'll answer it detail over there.

I want some good fic from Tara's perspective now!

Yes please. (I also want fic that avoids the tendency to write "Saint Tara". )

Have you read aerintine's "Please don't forgive me" that Emmie rec'd ( ... )


late comment is late ever_neutral June 26 2013, 07:30:17 UTC
Thanks for reccing me! It's an honor to be included alongside so many great posts.

Btw, sorry about not commenting on your Buffy-Tara meta. I've been pretty worn down with schoolwork lately. Although I did read and agree with what you said, unfortunately I feel like I don't have anything substantial to add? I'm so out of touch with fandom. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of it soon.


Re: late comment is late red_satin_doll June 26 2013, 12:38:01 UTC
Thanks for coming by! I'm honored when someone takes the time to even read one of my posts, let alone comment; theres a million other things you could be doing. So please don't feel obligated - there are so many good posts from other people I only wish I could get to. (I have seen your name in the My Guests stats, btw, so I know you've been by. Someone in fandom I admire thinks my shit is worth reading? Best compliment ever. Lurkers rock.)

That meta is really sort of a warm-up act anyway; I think the convo threads of some of my recent posts are more interesting than the posts but isn't that how it's supposed to be? That's what got me into fandom.

I do hope you can get back into it but only when life allows and you really enjoy it? I've missed your fierce and bold intelligence re: the buffyverse. When you say schoolwork you mean your own or are you a teacher (look whose woefully out of touch.)


Re: late comment is late ever_neutral June 26 2013, 16:01:37 UTC
You are too kind, truly. And the schoolwork is my own -- university work, rather. Less of it now, though, so hopefully more time for fandom discussion.


Re: late comment is late red_satin_doll June 26 2013, 16:20:40 UTC
No, I'm just about right kind. Maybe not enough kind? Anyhoo....

What subject are you studying?


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