
Jun 09, 2004 18:10

man. orientation kicked my ass. not because it was scary or i was nervous. mainly because the "academic advising" never really happened. they gave us a scant list of course names/numbers with no descriptions, made us share a course catalogue, and said to pick a schedule. i wanted a first year seminar--the effect of war on children OR a study of ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

rockanddie June 11 2004, 17:36:55 UTC

... )


noncognsco June 12 2004, 02:17:24 UTC
w00t for Anthro. Enjoy it and follow my illustrious footsteps.
-Randy, in case you didn't know


psychosisjones June 16 2004, 22:22:25 UTC
barnum effect because he says there's a sucker born every minute. get it? =) maybe not. whichever explanation you like more. el oh el @ "how do ya like them apples" party on.


fo sure citylightsb4me June 18 2004, 20:38:52 UTC
hot new layout. im jealous. im going to create new hotness in my journal now.


Re: fo sure recklessdream June 19 2004, 06:30:29 UTC
why thanks!


marniejh September 1 2004, 00:23:53 UTC
Umm, this is so weird, but... I think I know you from, like, elementary school. Florence, right?


recklessdream September 2 2004, 20:05:14 UTC
tell me more


marniejh September 3 2004, 21:47:32 UTC
I'm Marnie Heenan. Remember me?


recklessdream September 4 2004, 15:29:36 UTC
i DO remember you, we sat at the same lunch table and you ate cheese doodles.
how'd you come across my lj? and what're you doing in florida?


heartdestruct February 25 2005, 00:49:35 UTC

... )


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