
May 16, 2004 23:26

today ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

pooterintruder May 17 2004, 05:20:44 UTC
imakepromises: and your last lj entries ranks as one of your top 5 for sure
imakepromises: i enjoyed it
imakepromises: i envy your lj updating skillz
yourheartwaspure: WHAT!? haha
yourheartwaspure: rj
yourheartwaspure: that last one wasn't fabulous. it was ok
imakepromises: maybe in your eyes....but for me.....at that moment.....it touched me
yourheartwaspure: then go leave me a comment
imakepromises: i don't want to sully it
imakepromises: i'll try
imakepromises: no promises


jessco May 17 2004, 05:40:53 UTC
sawyer sent me here to learn about his day, and i can't help but be impressed with the FOUR SQUARES!!!

there's also tea party! don't forget the tea party rule!


recklessdream May 17 2004, 13:00:13 UTC
i think we ALL forgot about tea party. how does that one go?


elemeno_pee May 17 2004, 07:37:35 UTC
holy shit! that sounds like an AWESOME movie........

i still haven't started my speech, its 3:37! fuck! damn your need to sleep.


recklessdream May 17 2004, 12:59:47 UTC
when it comes out (what do you want to bet it's straight to video...) we can all see it, and look for us being dumb in the stands.


_overjoyed May 17 2004, 14:31:06 UTC
hot chicks!


recklessdream May 17 2004, 19:40:38 UTC
let's see some STOOOONTS!


_overjoyed May 17 2004, 14:31:37 UTC
ps. I love your updates, too!


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