Meet & Greet!

Oct 12, 2012 14:09

Hello all!

With an amazing number of people signed up already and hopefully many more to come, it seemed like the right time to open up an introduction post.

Drop by and tell us a bit about yourself! Are you an author or an artist? Do you know what fandom-sandboxes you want to play in, or are you still deciding? Got a story already outlined or still ( Read more... )


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Comments 45

emisolde October 12 2012, 13:12:42 UTC
I'm here already, I guess, so... :D

Although actually I'm still deciding whether I have time to take part in this as well as all the other bangs I've signed up for... I'd like to take part as an artist, I think, but writing something for this would be awesome too! At the moment, I'm just having a blast getting into this modding thing and watching the list of possible fandoms being represented in this bang grow and grow~

Looking forward to getting to know new faces and cheering each other on as we go! ♥


dinahqueen October 12 2012, 13:32:32 UTC
I've always wanted to participate in a big bang as an artist, but I know that comparatively, my art skills are lacking compared to my writing ones. :x


emisolde October 12 2012, 17:06:55 UTC
I know that feeling, hun. But I'm trying to improve my art skills by taking part in a few of the many bangs I'm signed up to by signing up as an artist. I obviously don't want to let down the authors, so I work as hard as I can and then even when I see other pieces that are better than mine (lots of them, haha) I still know that I did as well as I can. Not that that always helps, but... Well, at least I feel like I'm really trying to improve my art now? ;__;

You could always sign up for both authoring and arting, if you have the time? I'm considering that, tbh, but I'd have to make sure I had the time! *sigh* LIFE IS SO HARD, OH MY GOSH. lolololololol


dinahqueen October 18 2012, 05:48:59 UTC
I would have signed up as an artist, but I'm pretty narrow when it comes to fandom. And since my laptop died, I don't have my drawing software which means I can't use my tablet, which means no picturing for me. :(


oooh, hai! dinahqueen October 12 2012, 13:31:38 UTC
Well, first of all, I loved the bunny metaphor. XD ( ... )


Re: oooh, hai! emisolde October 12 2012, 23:15:16 UTC
hurhurhur, i'm glad the bunnies amused XD

But anyway, hi! I'm Em, or Emily, or Moose, or whatever you want to call me really. *g* I am seriously so stoked for your CM fic, I JUST CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH. That show is like my favourite thing (or one of them, anyway). ♥ And you're crossing it with Iron Man, I mean, are you TRYING to make my love you or something? BECAUSE IT'S WORKING. (lol tho at Pepper having more sense in IM1, that's just so true XD)

ERIN AS NICK FURY, WHAT IS THIS MAJESTY. No, seriously, that's just the best. I have to admit, my first reaction to Diana as Howard was :( because Tony so did not get on with his daddy, but I'm guessing you'll be keeping the CM relationship - and anyway, this is about recasting, so I'm all for waiting to see what amazingness you come up with!

But you've got so much worked out so far, I GENUINELY CANNOT WAIT, WHY MUST THE DEADLINE BE MONTHS AWAY! (Answer: so that brill fics like this can get written, that's why, so stop complaining, silly.) ANYWAY. Spence is my absolute favourite so ( ... )


Re: oooh, hai! dinahqueen October 18 2012, 06:01:20 UTC
It's my mission to get everyone to love me, so technically, yes- that was part of my villainous plot! I am an evil mastermind, you do have to understand that. (:

But yes, Strauss will be amazing! You're right, I'll be keeping more of Spencer and Diana's real relationship rather than Howard and Tony's. Like I said, creative recasting! (: I hope it is amazing!

I actually have more worked out than I said. With the exception of Rossi, I know where everyone is being recast to. And my absolute love of Rossi/Spencer keeps making me want to cast him as Christine Everhart. xD

But it's going to be fun. :D


Re: oooh, hai! emisolde October 23 2012, 00:32:10 UTC
*giggle* What a superb master villain you are, indeed!

DUUUUUUDE IS MORGAN GOING TO BE RHODEY? I was trying to guess who was mapping onto who, and I figured either him or JJ would be Rhodey. Hmmm. JJ might be Pepper though? EEE THIS IS SO EXCITING.

Lol tho, you should totally cast Rossi as Everhart, it would be HYSTERICAL. Ahahahahahahahaha XD


miya_morana October 12 2012, 14:36:56 UTC
Hi everyone, I'm Miya, and I'm a writer. Wow, that sounds like an introduction at an AA meeting. XD

Alright, a few things about me. I'm a French-speaker but I mostly write in English. I've been involved in fandom for about ten years, starting with Harry Potter, then Supernatural, where I was quite active in the Gabriel corner of the fandom, and more recently Teen Wolf has eaten up my soul, in spite of its ridiculous title, though I've dipped my toes in quite a few other fandoms along the way. I'm a multishipper at heart, because the whole point of fanfiction to me is to explore the options, however crazy they might seem. I also sometimes play around with Photoshop to make some graphics ( ... )


tryslora October 12 2012, 15:31:37 UTC
I still want to read this SO MUCH.


miya_morana October 12 2012, 16:38:32 UTC
Ha ha, well thanks! :D In the meantime though, I know of at least one Hogwart!AU Teen Wolf fic, I can link it to yu if you want. It's very cute. :)


tryslora October 12 2012, 16:42:04 UTC
I'd love to see it!


tryslora October 12 2012, 15:46:09 UTC
Hi, I'm tryslora (or trys, or Deb, or D., or sometimes hey you or a whole bunch of other names I could go into). I've been writing since I was um... little... I've been trying to be a writer since I was 12 or so, so well over thirty years. I've only been pulled into writing fics, really, in the last couple of years however. My primary current fandom is Harry Potter, with forays into Teen Wolf and some small fandoms. I grew up loving Anne McCaffrey's Pern novels, however, and a while ago I got the idea of recasting Pern with the Potter characters, but never found the push to actually write it. So this bigbang is exactly what I need!

It's only my second bigbang, and I didn't get art the last time so I'm kind of really looking forward to the idea of art for my words!

I've been outlining things and trying to make sure I know where I'll be going. Right now I'm cranking out a bunch of smaller things that are due soon, and then I'll get started working through this.


miya_morana October 12 2012, 16:42:14 UTC
You didn't get art? That's so sad! Usually, mods find a way to get pinch-hitters if an artist falls through. :(


tryslora October 12 2012, 16:44:12 UTC
It was an odd sort of bigbang, and not all the pieces were claimed. I'm sort of approaching this as my first bigbang in that I may not have actually learned how they are supposed to work last time around!


emisolde October 12 2012, 17:19:58 UTC
Hi! I seriously cannot wait for your fic, it's sounds like the most awesome idea ♥ It's not an idea I've seen anywhere else, but it's such a good one!

But oh my gosh, that's awful, that you didn't get your art! Rest assured - even if I have to do all the pinch-hitting myself - everyone is going to be getting art in this big bang :)

Good luck on all the littler things! I've got a bunch to get done too, so then maybe I can finally make a decision over whether to sign up for this bang or not... *g*


glitterfics October 12 2012, 23:48:11 UTC
Hello, I'm glitterfics (or Ren) and I've signed up as a writer :D

I may have become a little overexcited when I spotted this bigbang because it's perfect - I've always wanted to write a recast story but never had anything to push me to do it.

I recently got completed sucked into the Teen Wolf fandom, despite trying to resist it, so I am putting the Teen Wolf cast into Cabin in the Woods (with a few obvious changes). I've actually written close to 18k of the fic already even though I have 2 other bigbangs due before this one that I haven't even touched, lol. But I figured that I'd better run with the plot bunny before I forgot all my ideas.

My main worry is that not enough people will have seen Cabin in the Woods but I hope that they will enjoy the fic anyway.

I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with :D


emisolde October 12 2012, 23:58:55 UTC
Hello, hello! *hug*

So glad you're excited about the bang - and I love your combo choices! I've never watched Teen Wolf, if I'm honest, but a thriving online life (particularly around tumblr) has left me knowing what I feel are pretty much all the important points of the show (it can apparently be summed up as something along the lines of "DEREK AND STILES ARE IN LOVE, STILES IS REALLY SARCASTIC AND AMAZING AND THE TEAM MOM, and also Scott is adorable"? Oh, and Lydia and some other people exist too, but they aren't Stiles so just aren't as great? Idek, this is what my tumblr dash tells me) Anyway, putting them into CITW sounds fab, I can't wait to see it!

And omfg, you've written so much! Good luck with your other bangs, but yay you for getting such a great plot bunny that's kept going! :D


glitterfics October 14 2012, 21:03:29 UTC
Hey *hugs back*

This comment actually made me laugh out loud. I think you missed "DEREK IS REALLY GRUMPY BUT STILES TOTALLY GETS HIM" but apart from that you've caught all the salient points ;)

I'm so excited about the bang. I almost messaged you to ask if I could do two fics for it but the blank pages for my other two bbangs are glaring at me *sighs*. The good news is that I've actually finished this one now and sent it to my beta so I can actually get on with those.

Also HM icon!!!!! So much love :D


emisolde October 23 2012, 00:40:23 UTC

I'm glad to know my impressions of Teen Wolf are totally, 100% accurate XD

Heehee, I'm so glad you're excited! You can totally write two fics, btw, although, yeah, I know the feel of having too many bangs to write ;__; I have a rough draft deadline in just over a week and I have written not a single word, oh god. ;__;



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