Title: The Built in a Day Job
Summary: Written as a part of
leveragexchange. Eliot takes refuge in his apartment in Rome after The San Lorenzo Job, only to be followed by the one person he thought no longer cared.
Characters: Eliot/Sophie
Rating: hard R
Wordcount: ~4,200
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of The San Lorenzo Job. Explicit sex. Overabundant attention
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Comments 10
Sensual and sexy. And now I'm hungry. Your descriptions of the marketplace and the cooking and the food were marvelous.
This was amazing!
And yeah, Eliot thinks he's the guy in the shadows, but there are people who are able to recognize him for who he truly is.
Hands. Hands are good. I mean, what's not to love, right? I don't know how it ended up being sort of sad, but I suppose it's because there's an underlying sadness to all the characters: for better or for worse, they've all spent their lives hurting people in one way or another (and let's not kid ourselves: even alleged 'victimless' crimes aren't victimless), and they have to live with that now.
the unrushed love making....
sigh.... great job.
Thank you! I toyed with the idea of setting it in Paris, but since I went to Rome this spring I went with that instead. I deliberately set a slow pace to the story, so I'm very glad it worked for you. :)
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