Also Full of Overcoming

Nov 18, 2010 00:33

Title: Also Full of Overcoming
Summary: Written for the sassy_otp Sastiel fanworks exchange. From a prompt by weirdwednesday. Cas takes care of Sam as he’s detoxing for the second time, after 5.14.
Characters: Sam & Cas, totally gen. (I’m so sorry, prompter! I hope you’re not too disappointed).
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2,906
Disclaimer: Jim Beaver replied to one of my ( Read more... )

fanfic, castiel totally deserves his own tag, fic exchange, sastiel exchange 2010, also full of overcoming, sammy

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Comments 62

geminigrl11 November 18 2010, 06:15:19 UTC
Oh, break my heart. I wish Cas had really done something like this in these moments of need...


ratherastory November 18 2010, 06:19:10 UTC
I wish anyone had done it for him. Cas is just a bonus.

Poor Sam. Left alone to deal with this shit because everyone sort of assumed he deserved it. :(


geminigrl11 November 18 2010, 06:19:51 UTC
MEEP. So true. (Love your icon, btw).


ratherastory November 18 2010, 06:22:34 UTC
Thanks! Alas, my icon skills are nil, so I can't claim credit for it. :D


roque_clasique November 18 2010, 06:43:43 UTC
Ah, so sad and sweet. I really love Sam and Cas, whether it be Sam&Cas or Sam/Cas. Ever since that first moment when Sammy wanted to shake his hand... It was nice seeing Cas step in and care for Sam here.


ratherastory November 18 2010, 06:59:33 UTC
Yeah. I literally made dolphin noises when Sam got all growly and "I will not let you have Sam Winchester! GNARR! CRAP HOLY FIRE!" at Lucifer. :D

And of course, his lovely declaration of "Sam is my friend" in 5.13. Oh, Cas. *smishes him*


katwoman76 November 19 2010, 00:59:48 UTC
"Sam is my friend"
So simple and still - one of my favorite lines of all times.

Although there were also enough other times where I really wanted to slap Cas for the mean unfair way he talked to Sam.


ratherastory November 19 2010, 01:06:21 UTC
Dolphin noises, I tell you!

Cas came around, mostly, but he has a way of stating the unadorned truth in the worst way possible. He's still an angel, in spite of everything, and if SPN has taught us anything, it's that angels aren't great at grasping nuance.

Oh, Cas. *pets him*


pkwench November 18 2010, 08:00:17 UTC
I can't wait to have time to read! And, I'm glad about the Helen Keller thing because, yeah, I'll never get around to it.

I'm reading this and everything else Friday! I must, you know how I am about Sam and Cas being nice to each other.


ratherastory November 18 2010, 08:26:04 UTC
I remember you and I making dolphin noises at each other at "Sam Winchester is my friend." :D

Can't wait to see your reaction!


vail_kagami November 18 2010, 08:27:20 UTC
Fantastic fic. Sam suddenly going blind and deaf was not something I saw coming. I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been, especially after the hallucinations.

Especially lovely that he'd overcome his own fears for his brother - and that Cas knew he would.

I never was happy with the way the next episode just cut to the next case and pretended this never happened. I felt we were cheated out of some much needed comfort for Sam - if anyone happened to be willing to give it to him.


ratherastory November 18 2010, 18:10:04 UTC
Thank you! I actually owe that interesting little plot twist to rainylemons, who is always gracious about letting me natter at her over IM about my fic.

I was always sad that Sam was left to handle everything on his own. Sure, it did mean that he was able to prove that he was capable of overcoming everything by himself without outside help, but it still broke my heart a bit.


weirdwednesday November 18 2010, 08:59:49 UTC
:D This is awesome! Thank you for the story!

The psychological blindness is such an interesting turn, seems exactly like something Sam's brain could do to block out the hallocination-Dean. Also, I love how Cas learns about guilt and how he's concerned about both Sam and Dean, but doesn't really understand why they behave the way they do in this situation.

The concerned friend thing worked very well, don't worry about the lack of Sam/Cas, this is awesome the way it is; I love it. <3

So, yeah, I love this story very much! Thank you! <3 <3 <3


ratherastory November 18 2010, 18:17:35 UTC
Oh, good. I'm so pleased you liked it! I was a little worried about the lack of Sam/Cas, as you could probably tell.

I always enjoy writing Cas POV, trying to figure out what things he "gets" and which ones he doesn't.

Thanks again!


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