... Aw, shit. It had been so long since Reno had spent time in his office. He'd gotten kinda familiar with it, what, back when the parents were on the island, way back? But he'd gone and told the Rookie's Rookie that he'd be here today, in case she wanted to talk. And anyhow, there was always shit to do
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"Is this a good time? I can come back later."
"If it ever comes down to you thinkin' you need an escort," he mused, "I got no compunctions about gettin' my hands dirty, either."
It went nicely with that introduction that he'd been given in class on Monday. Only this wouldn't be for the killer health benefits package.
And really, she was only almost sixteen and in no hurry to die.
Then she gave him a grin. "It would really be helpful if their group got stupid enough to try to invade here, huh?"
"No kiddin'," he replied, shaking his head a little. "They sure as hell wouldn't make it long. Might find out first-hand what some of the other people on the island with powers think of 'em. I mean, damn near everyone around here is kinda like a special little snowflake or whatever, yo."
That made her grin even wider. Because, really. If they tried to get at her while she was in a class?
Look, the policy was no getting caught with weapons on-campus. Or, at least, that was how Reno saw it.
"Man, if they pulled somethin' like that around here, then they're way dumber than I thought," Reno mused. "They don't have some kinda info network? Where do they get their tips about the kids, usually?"
Because... Hey. He was a Turk. A Turk who had done some side-jobs for the CIA while still in high school, himself. He couldn't help but think that it would be kinda fun to fuck with their heads a bit.
"Definitely. I'd pass it around more than that, even," he agreed. "Shit, if I didn't think they'd pass it off as a hoax, puttin' it in the hands of the media could do huge friggin' damage against these assholes."
He pursed his lips slightly, picking up a pen and idly tapping it against the top of his desk as he thought.
"Look... What Genesis," as much as Reno hated him, "said in class about me on Monday's all true, Rookie. If you ever figure you can make use of any of that..." He shrugged, and the next phrase came out sounding almost bored. It wasn't that he was, really. That was just the way Reno worked. "Just say the word."
Kidnapping, killing, spying. Hell, he'd be lying if he said that he didn't miss it.
"Well, so long as you know that my skills are there at your disposal, Rookie," he replied, shrugging. "Let me know the second anything comes up, and it's all good, yo."
Or, you know, whenever. She wouldn't be the first Rookie he'd had to just call him up to shoot the shit, but she was admittedly the first Rookie he had who'd started as a student instead of a peer.
Reno's phone was not generally the recipient of prank phone calls. Because, of course, it was his business phone, through the Turks.
Because, really? If something happened and Tori called him? She'd greet him with 'The bastards have Chloe and they need to die.' Tori's communications could be special sometimes.
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