UPDATES // Schedule and Nominations Info

Dec 15, 2011 15:23

Thank you all for being patient while we work out the kinks in this. Once this entry is posted, I will also be updating the FAQ and userinfo to reflect the changed information.

- Now thru January 7: Enjoy existing holiday exchanges, discuss eligible/non-eligible LARGE FANDOM women
- January 7 thru January 21: NOMINATIONS PROCESS. Each participant may nominate FIVE FANDOMS. One must be a LARGE fandom*, followed by up to four SMALL fandoms. In each fandom, up to FIVE CHARACTERS may be nominated.
- January 25 thru February 8: SIGN UP PROCESS. Each participant may request THREE FANDOMS. One must be a LARGE fandom, followed by up to two SMALL fandoms. In each fandom, up to FIVE CHARACTERS may be requested**. Characters will be treated as AND/OR selections rather
than a full match. ANY is a viable selection for both requests and offers. Each participant must offer at least ONE LARGE fandom, and other than that offers are limitless. Participants may specify characters they would like to offer***.
- Around February 15, possibly earlier: ASSIGNMENTS GO OUT
- April 30: STORIES DUE

*Large fandoms will be nominated based on previous eligibility discussion. Large fandoms are determined by in-eligibility for yuletide, and in-eligible women in large fandoms are determined by having either 20%+ of fic or 500 or more stories.
**Sign ups will ONLY choose from nominated fandoms and characters. Please refrain from requesting a fandom or character that has not been nominated!
***Sign ups will include OPTIONAL DETAILS where pairings, situations may be suggested, however the only REQUIRED element is a story of at least 1000 words about one of the recipient's requested women.

Important Posts
- Discuss eligibility of LARGE FANDOMS ONLY here: http://rarewomen.livejournal.com/804.html
- Current master list of LARGE FANDOM ELIGIBILITY here: http://rarewomen.livejournal.com/1157.html
- Promote your small fandom women here: COMING SOON
- Nominations: COMING SOON

admin, faq

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