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cloelockless2 May 20 2019, 21:22:07 UTC
I hope I'll be able to grant some wishes this summer!

Pairings I'd love to read (more) about:

in 2s
Dean/Draco (I've written an 8th year fic for these two, so maybe something with them getting together as adults instead; I want to know what could happen between them when their first major interaction was at Malfoy Manor during the war; how they'd reconcile what happened then with being attracted to each other now)
Dean/Seamus (Hogwarts era or immediate post-war/8th year)
Draco/Dolohov (gracerene put this pairing in my head...)(book era events we don't know about)(can be dub-con)
Dean/Harry (8th year, or before)
Draco/any Slytherin boy or Pansy during 6th year (angst/comfort \o/) or 5th year (they are so entitled in public but exploring feelings or sexuality in private in a different tone)
Harry/Hermione (they're both married (to Ginny and Ron) and with kids but they slip up one night (just touches and kisses or more) after a little too much wine when their spouses are away for work and the kids wanted to have a sleep over all ( ... )


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