What a day to be alive...

Jan 17, 2004 23:21

Well, well, well...let me tell you MY day has been interesting! So I'm leaving my bestest friend Jessica Lea Nance's apartment EARLY this morning right? We had a long wonderful night of watching Lord Of The Rings I, II, and III!!! It was wonderfultastic! So, i'm like freaking tired and i start to go back to the dorm... Well, for some ODD reason i ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

firebiter_px January 18 2004, 05:43:02 UTC
I don't know if I should call now or tomorrow! I love you!


drownintears January 18 2004, 09:54:56 UTC
oh my gosh kim, that is bad! im sorry all that happened, but super glad my KT is ok!!!
i will have to talk to you later about everything, but for now...i <3 you!!!


last_firstborn January 18 2004, 18:37:20 UTC
I'm really sorry to hear that, that's so bad... :(


past_remains January 18 2004, 19:02:14 UTC
Holy crap, that sucks. But good to hear you're ok.


skywalker518 January 19 2004, 10:39:30 UTC
Sorry about your car and damaged muscles! Hope you get feelin' better soon!


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