i can only hope this drives you crazy...

Oct 22, 2004 16:28

stupid cake donuts,
they called my name from the fridge,
and made me do it!!!!!!

this could be serious...

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secretblog November 7 2004, 07:50:17 UTC
i love yr haikus.
basho would appreciate.
but too bad. he's dead.


Re: i'm back... secretblog November 18 2004, 00:20:09 UTC
i'm new to lj
but not to life. don't spare me.
i would like to know.

chinese food is good.
it's been a long time for me,
the food allergic!

i'm sorry you're down.
if haiku is conducive,
kick Down in the pants!

and what kind of school?
is it work or the social
that makes it so hard?

my hard part of school,
right now, is that i'm leaving
but don't want to go.


Re: i'm back... rabidninja November 18 2004, 06:36:13 UTC
allergic to food?
i'm allergic to peanuts,
they're my kryptonite.

what foods can you eat?
or is it almost all foods?
that's gotta be rough.

i go to college,
i'm a senior in comp. sci.,
and i do research.

it's a lot of work,
since i can't memorize things,
i study bunches.

i like the research,
cause i can apply myself,
i work with robots.

i'm not leaving school,
next year is grad school for me,
two or three more years.

i just went running,
so i am pretty sleepy,
haiku you later.


Re: i'm back... secretblog November 23 2004, 00:02:57 UTC
i can't do haiku.
i'm in ohio and it's
sucking out my brain.

i wanna go home.
where syllabics work and i
count on my fingers.


Re: i'm back... secretblog November 25 2004, 20:25:34 UTC
I can't eat gluten.
it's in wheat, rye, oats, barley,
natural flavors,

artificial ones,
modified food starch, sometimes,
and so on and on.

i'm used to it now
and feeling so much better
than a year ago.

are you on eBay?
I think I saw you. or else
your doppelganger.


Re: i'm back... rabidninja November 28 2004, 00:53:46 UTC
yup... i'm on ebay,
lots of bad pictures of me,
but it's fun to do.

my doppelganger???
what is a doppelganger?
it sounds perverted.

i'm glad you're okay,
i used to be really sick,
so i understand.

i have a cold now,
i'm living off of dayquil,
and halls orange cough drops.


a ha !! totallytightfit November 28 2004, 02:26:35 UTC
So.. a secret blog
Well looks like your covers blown
ok I will leave


Re: i'm back... secretblog November 28 2004, 06:38:10 UTC
a doppelganger
is someone's double. i think
*you* sound perverted.

how come you were sick?
i'm glad you're also better.
wahoo for good health!

that's funny, i think
i'm getting a cold also
'cause my head feels LAME.

i'm sposed to nanny
tomorrow but maybe i'd
better call off sick.

it's not good to give
yr illnesses to tiny
little baby-folk.

i think you must be
the pinarama model.
judging from yr pic.

chuckwear makes me laugh,
it is Cute Boy Collective
if you look around :)


Re: i'm back... secretblog November 28 2004, 06:50:18 UTC
ha ha ha ha ha!
haiku takes over the world!
and it's all your fault!


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