Inuyasha, "Shiori Chronicles" Shiori, Kohaku | rated PG

May 11, 2011 22:08

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Next Generation: Shiori Chronicles
Chapter Title: New Ally
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Shiori, Kohaku, (slight Kohaku/Shiori)
Rating: PG
(Chapter) Word Count: 300
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Warnings: None
Notes: Post-manga.Continuation to my "Shiori Chronicles". This is the 12th installment. Written for the "fake" theme at iy_unsung_heros.

Chapter Summary: Shiori gets to know their new ally.

Shiori admits despite everything she’s still afraid of the dark miko coming back for them. Kohaku’s pace increases, and she and the newcomer move to catch up.

The wolf youkai takes his younger brother from her grasp, gently carrying him as if he doesn’t weigh anything at all.

“He’s out, thank goodness,” he says relieved, clutching his sleeping brother to his chest and running up at her side. He turns to her, and she can feel his clear blue eyes on her, watching her with wonder. “I’m Kai, by the way. I can’t thank you enough for what you two did back there. I thought I’d lost him.”

With a smile, Shiori tells him their names as Kohaku finally starts to slow down, finding refuge in a thicket of trees a long distance from where they fought the miko. He gives them a chance to catch their breaths, but he’s obviously tense and preoccupied. His eyes dart around the trees with heightened senses, ready to strike a defense at any sign of trouble.

Kai leans closer, and his presence feels somewhat invasive. Shiori doesn’t mind it, but she doesn’t expect it either. His gaze travels from her scepter and then to her face.

She meets his eyes, only to see him look away blushing, his focus back on his unconscious brother.

“I wonder if your scepter can heal my brother’s mind. I fear that if he wakes up, he’ll still be under her control,” he says.

Shiori senses Kai’s distress, and she naturally sympathizes. She wonders what she and Kohaku really got themselves into, even though they can’t back out now. She reaches forward and rests a comforting hand on Kai’s forearm.

“Don’t worry, Kai-san. We’ll help him,” she promises, and she sees Kai’s face brighten with a hopeful smile.

kohaku/shiori, shiori, shiori chronicles, kohaku, inuyasha

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