Buku yg paling atas itu lanjutannya Laskar Pelangi; Sang Pemimpi, Edensor sama Maryamah Karpov. Mumpung disc 30% langsung aja diborong semua hehe.. Yg kiri bawah itu A Thousand Splendid Suns karangan Khaled Hosseini yg juga nulis The Kite Runner. Yg tengah bawah itu The Tales of Beedle The Bard, karangan J.K Rowling.
ternyata emang bagus kok, ada lima cerita fairy tales gitu, tapi versi witch and wizardnya, kalo di kita kayak Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Three Little Pigs dll gitu deh. Bukunya tipis jadi enak bisa dibaca berkali2 ^^
uwah i read them all except the jk rowling one and maryamah karpov one. tell me if it's good or anything? :D and and a thousand splendid suns is GOOOOOOOD. it makes you cry and remember God a lot :) for me at least lol
in the middle of reading The Tales of Beedle The Bard now. Hwah! Reading the introduction from JKR is enough to make me want to re-read those seven books of Harry Potter lol! It's a thin book, much much thinner than the thinnest book of HP. I think I'm gonna enjoy this one a lot.
They're worth buying I'm sure. I'm reading The Tales of Beedle The Bard now and enjoying it much. I've been meaning to complete my Laskar Pelangi and Twilight series and getting a 30% disc for all these books is really heaven XD
Comments 14
aku baca 1 buku aja lamaaaaa bgt buku tipis aja isa 1 minggu :D
apalg buku harry potter, mungkin sepanjang liburan br abis *_*
buku yg di tengah atas itu kyknya familiar, ttg apa yah?
trus yg di bwh kiri sama bwh tengah buku apa? :D
Yg kiri bawah itu A Thousand Splendid Suns karangan Khaled Hosseini yg juga nulis The Kite Runner. Yg tengah bawah itu The Tales of Beedle The Bard, karangan J.K Rowling.
weee, the tales of beedle the bard karangan JK Rowling?? :D
kedengarannya bagus!
Bukunya tipis jadi enak bisa dibaca berkali2 ^^
I want to read books too ~_~
Are they good?
I've been meaning to complete my Laskar Pelangi and Twilight series and getting a 30% disc for all these books is really heaven XD
Too bad that I didn't get any chance to go there... my boss and my co-workers left me yesterday X(
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas, Gail *hugs*
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