Title: all the little creatures
Pairing: iu/simon d (supreme team)
Word Count: 1287
Rating: g
Warnings: none
Summary: A sweet kind of love with no boundaries, no ups and downs, because it's all in your head.
Notes: Inspired by their time together on Chin Chin Radio and just how cute they are in general. ♥
She fans out the stack of paper on her little table and admires the colors- yellow for "I like you," red for "I might love you," green for "today you made me angry, but that's okay," blue for "sometimes you are cute," and so on. She ponders a moment what tomorrow's should be, then plucks a sheet of green out of the pile and smiles.
Her mother passes by the door and shakes her head. Her daughter's newest hobby baffles her, but Jieun just smiles quietly to herself and admires the crisp piece of green, slightly shiny like a leaf. "Today," she sings, "you will become something much greater than you are now." And gently she pinches the corners and begins its transformation.
He yawns without covering his mouth as he enters the recording studio. She's tempted to tease him but it doesn't feel appropriate; he's always so tired lately. Instead she flashes him a small smile which he returns with a slight raise of his chin.
Boys are so dumb, she sighs inwardly with just a bit of disappointment.
Five minutes later a small paper frog leaps across the table and startles her out of her thoughts and he's beaming across from her with a grin that's too big for his face. She picks up the frog and turns it around before sending it flying back over.
"You're getting real good at these," he says approvingly, holding it between his fingers while she fights the urge to blush. "But my desk at home is running out of space."
"You keep them, oppa?" she asks in her cutest voice to hide her surprise.
"Of course!" he exclaims in fake shock. "Jieun-ah works so hard to make these every day, how can I just throw them away?" He winks. "You think me a cruel man?"
"It's just something I do when I'm bored," she lies with a shrug, but inside she swells with satisfaction imagining his desk cluttered with three months' worth of origami animals.
Boys are dumb, but Simon Dominic is different. Jieun just doesn't know how nor if it really matters.
"Jieun-ah, why do you do this to me?" he whines in his chair across from where she absentmindedly strums her guitar. They have an hour until the show starts and it's become a habit to chat, no matter how sleepy they are.
She peeks at him and cocks her head. "What did I do, oppa?"
He reclines and closes his eyes, red bangs falling over his lids. "You make my life hard."
She feels her pulse quicken and her hand pauses over the metal strings. "I don't see how." She sticks her tongue out at him, though he doesn't see it.
"Do you have any idea how many guys I have asking me for your phone number?" He opens his eyes and his disgusted frown makes her laugh so hard she has to set down her guitar for fear of dropping it. "I'm not joking! Be a little less popular, would you?"
With a grin, she nods. "I'll try, just for you."
He blinks twice and closes his eyes again. Every now and then she mentions a crush while on the air, usually Taeyang from Big Bang. Chin Chin's ratings go up slightly every time, articles are published, and Simon complains a little less, but none of that beats the way he frowns and grunts in response, unsure of what to say when she does so.
Simon likes to sing when he's bored, which never ceases to surprise her. After the month she'd spent listening to his music, she's a little put off by how useless her new-found knowledge of hip-hop turns out to be. He spends more time goofing off and belting trot songs at the top of his lungs than he does discussing the subtle nuances of his genre.
"You're disappointing, Simon-oppa," she says, a bold statement for knowing him only four months at the time.
He looks surprised, but not the least bit upset. "Am I?"
"You seem so cool when you perform." Sighing, she crosses her arms across her chest. "But you're really like this."
A lop-sided grin and he picks back up where he left off in his song, not a care in the world. Jieun rolls her eyes and returns to the book in her lap, but all day and late into that night, as she tries to sleep, she hears his voice, oddly soulful and controlled for a rapper, singing just for her.
Jieun wants to flirt, to joke, to say on-air that Simon-oppa is her idea, just to see what he says, really, but that isn't possible. She can joke all she likes about thinking so-and-so male idol is cute, he sings so well, but Simon Dominic is off limits. There is nothing endearing about flirting, even as a joke, with a taken man. The mere thought of the repercussions makes her shudder.
With a taken man. Sometimes she forgets it, and yet at the same time she's always aware. Most girls would be hesitant, even appalled, at the thought of falling for someone with a girlfriend, but Jieun finds it sweet. There is no worrying about rejection or whether or not to confess. All of the most difficult questions are already answered for her. There will be no confession, no rejection.
She has no hope, and that is her greatest comfort. After all, isn't unrequited love the most beautiful of all?
She plucks the petals off flowers and whispers to herself, "He likes me, he likes me, he likes me," and that's as far as she needs to get.
Six months and exactly thirteen and a half large packs of origami paper later, all she has left are these fragmented moments and a half-pack of useless, colorful sheets. On their final day of Chin Chin Radio, she spends hours the night before perfecting her greatest creation. Her fingers are sore and her eyes are puffy, but she smiles happily to their co-workers when she arrives.
He is as relaxed as ever in his hooded sweatshirt and jeans. He pats her head affectionately and it's the closest they've ever been, physically. "Take care, Jieun-ah," he coos with that stupid grin. "Make sure you eat well and don't miss Oppa too much."
She wrinkles her nose and huffs. "Oppa, I'm worried. I think you're going to miss me a lot."
"Is that so?" he replies, eyes widening and lips twitching in amusement.
"What are you going to do without my presents every day?" she asks, holding out her creation in one hand. "I'm afraid I've spoiled you."
He takes it from her and holds the small paper rose before him, gazing in wonder. "Wow, our Jieun-ah is amazing!" He turns it in his fingers, careful not to damage the layers of pink and yellow petals. "I had no idea you could do something like this!"
"Surprised?" she chirps, allowing herself to be genuinely proud. "This one you'll definitely keep forever, right?" She smiles confidently, but her heart is pounding so hard it's hard to breathe.
He rolls his eyes and drawls, "How many times have I told you? I haven't thrown any of them away." Someone calls for him outside because it's time to go, and the cheerful light dims in his eyes. "Well, see you around," he says in a breath which she thinks is a sigh. She never stops believing it's a sigh.
She doesn't tell him that she's written everything she's ever wanted to say onto the petals of that rose in the tiniest print she's capable of, that while yellow means "I like you," pink means "It's okay if you don't like me, too."
i just love these two a lot, ok. ;__________;