If anyone else feels Quite Crafty...

May 05, 2008 16:02

I'd like to share "Put Smarties Tubes On Cats" graphics suitable for T-shirt design or any other crafty photo-y project/thing. They were made by the most marvelous roommate in the world,
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quotes, silliness, series b

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Comments 18

zombiepuppet May 6 2008, 02:18:47 UTC
I'm in Texas tooo (not that I count since I'm Canadian, but still...)


isweedan May 6 2008, 02:30:10 UTC
Hee! *waves* Great to know there are other living-in-Texas-watching-QI people.
Confession time for lols! I'm really from Louisiana. I just think with college it averages out to me living more in Texas. Plus, Texan is such a smoother word than 'Louisianian.'


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isweedan May 6 2008, 17:51:07 UTC
Indeed, it just calls out for your icon, I love having perfect situations like this!
Thanks, I think it's just so stealth!fan and cool and I'm so glad we've made it.


xilaii May 6 2008, 23:17:44 UTC
Forgive me for being dumb..
Which episode is this? xD


ljmckay May 7 2008, 02:10:10 UTC
2x05, with Jo Brand, Jimmy Carr, and Bill Bailey. :)


versavice May 7 2008, 10:40:01 UTC
this is brilliant!


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